What two fossil fuels are formed from the remains of dead marine plants and animals?

What two fossil fuels are formed from the remains of dead marine plants and animals?

Crude oil, coal and gas are fossil fuels . They were formed over millions of years, from the remains of dead organisms: coal was formed from dead trees and other plant material. crude oil and gas were formed from dead marine organisms.

What fossil fuels were formed from buried remains of plants and animals?

Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because they were formed from the fossilized, buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.

Which fossil fuel is made from the remains of plants?

Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels. Coal is a material usually found in sedimentary rock deposits where rock and dead plant and animal matter are piled up in layers. More than 50 percent of a piece of coal’s weight must be from fossilized plants.

Which of the following is a fossil fuel formed from marine organisms that is often found in folded?

ES Ch 5 Vocab

resources from which metals are obtained mineral resource
fossil fuel formed from marine organisms that is often found in tilted or folded rock layers and is used for heating and cooking natural gas
alternative energy source that is based on atomic fission nuclear energy

How were fossil fuels formed?

FOSSIL FUELS FORM. After millions of years underground, the compounds that make up plankton and plants turn into fossil fuels. Plankton decomposes into natural gas and oil, while plants become coal. Today, humans extract these resources through coal mining and the drilling of oil and gas wells on land and offshore.

How fossil fuel are formed?

Fossil fuels are formed when organic matter that has been buried deep within the earth are subject to heat and pressure over millions of years. In both cases, the dead organisms are buried over time and the extreme heat and pressure converts these dead organisms into either coal, natural gas, or oil.

Which was formed from the remains of plants?

fossil fuels is formed from the remains of plants and animals.

How is fossil fuels formed?

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