What is chime word?

What is chime word?

1 : an apparatus for chiming a bell or set of bells. 2a : a musically tuned set of bells. b : one of a set of objects giving a bell-like sound when struck. 3a : the sound of a set of bells —usually used in plural. b : a musical sound suggesting that of bells.

What is the synonym of chiming?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for chiming. blending, flowing, mellifluent, mellifluous.

What is the antonym of chime?

What is the opposite of chime?

clash collide
disclaim gainsay
confute disconfirm
negate interfere
not get along repudiate

How do you use the word chime?

1 The tower bells chime every hour. 2 The chime of the clock woke him up. 3 The chime of the clock woke me. 4 Her views on life didn’t quite chime with mine.

What does the word climbs mean?

1a : to go upward with gradual or continuous progress : rise, ascend watching the smoke climb. b : to increase gradually prices are continuing to climb. c : to slope upward a climbing path. 2a : to go upward or raise oneself especially by grasping or clutching with the hands climbed aboard the train.

What’s another word for wind chimes?

What is another word for wind chime?

chime garden ornament
mobile tintinnabula
wind bell

What does chiming in mean?

1 : to add (one’s comment or opinion) to a conversation or discussion that one has been listening to He kept chiming in with his opinions. 2 : to be in agreement or harmony with (something) The illustrations chimed in perfectly with the story.

How do you use the word chiming in a sentence?

Chiming sentence example

  1. It’s a feel good sound, chiming guitars and infectious melodies.
  2. And then words did ring forth from her, from him, chiming together perfect chords.
  3. Opposite is the mechanism of former cathedral chiming clocks, the earliest parts dating from the 15th century.

Is chime a verb or noun?

verb (used without object), chimed, chim·ing. to sound harmoniously or in chimes as a set of bells: The church bells chimed at noon. to produce a musical sound by striking a bell, gong, etc.; ring chimes: The doorbell chimed. to speak in cadence or singsong.

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