Is AA homozygous dominant?

Is AA homozygous dominant?

Two dominant alleles (AA) or two recessive alleles (aa) are homozygous. One dominant allele and one recessive allele (Aa) is heterozygous.

Is TT homozygous dominant or recessive?

Genotype and Phenotype

Genotype Definition Example
Homozygous Two of the same allele TT or tt
Heterozygous One dominant allele and one recessive allele Tt
Homozygous dominant Two dominant alleles TT
Homozygous recessive Two recessive alleles tt

What is a genotype dominant?

A dominant allele is denoted by a capital letter (A versus a). Since each parent provides one allele, the possible combinations are: AA, Aa, and aa. Offspring whose genotype is either AA or Aa will have the dominant trait expressed phenotypically, while aa individuals express the recessive trait.

Is homozygous AA or AA?

A homozygous genotype means that you have two of the same alleles, which are represented by the letters A or a. So if an individual has AA or aa, we say they are homozygous.

What is homozygous dominant and recessive?

Homozygous means that the organism has two copies of the same allele for a gene. An organism can be homozygous dominant, if it carries two copies of the same dominant allele, or homozygous recessive, if it carries two copies of the same recessive allele.

What is the homozygous recessive genotype?

A homozygous recessive allele combination contains two recessive alleles and expresses the recessive phenotype. A homozygous plant contains either of the following alleles for seed shape: (RR) or (rr). The (RR) genotype is homozygous dominant and the (rr) genotype is homozygous recessive for seed shape.

What are homozygous and heterozygous alleles?

Homozygous: You inherit the same version of the gene from each parent, so you have two matching genes. Heterozygous: You inherit a different version of a gene from each parent. They do not match.

Can AS and SS marry?

AS and SS shouldn’t think of marrying. And definitely, SS and SS must not marry since there’s absolutely no chance of escaping having a child with the sickle cell disease. The only thing that can change the genotype is the bone marrow transplant (BMT).

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