Why does the army seize retain and exploit the initiative?

Why does the army seize retain and exploit the initiative?

Army forces seize, retain, and exploit the initiative by forcing the enemy to respond to friendly action. This exploitation with combat power destroys and defeats enemy forces, consolidates gains, and protects populations, friendly forces, and infrastructure.

Which principle of war is to seize retain and exploit the initiative?

Offensive – Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Offensive action is the most effective and decisive way to attain a clearly defined common objective.

What is the ability by threat force or occupation to gain sustain and exploit control over land resources and people?

Landpower is the ability—by threat, force or occupation—to promptly gain, sustain and exploit control over land, resources and people. Landpower includes the ability to establish and maintain a stable environment that sets the conditions for a lasting peace.

Which warfighting function develops and integrates those activities enabling commanders to synchronize and converge all elements of combat power?

The mission command Warfighting function develops and integrates those activities enabling a commander to balance the art of command and the science of control.

What is movement and maneuver warfighting function?

The movement and maneuver warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that move and employ forces to achieve a position of relative advantage over the enemy and other threats. It works through movement and with fires to achieve a position of advantage relative to the enemy to accomplish the mission.

What principle of war ensures concentration of effort for every objective under one responsible commander?

Unity of Command
Unity of Command For every objective, seek a single commander and unity of effort. At all levels of war, employment of military forces in a manner that masses combat power toward a common objective requires unity of command and unity of effort.

What principle of war is to direct military operations toward a defined and attainable objective that contributes to strategic operational and tactical aims?

The principle of objective is to direct military operations toward a defined and attainable objective that contributes to strategic, operational, and tactical aims. The purpose of an offensive action is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative.

What are the US Army strategic roles in support of the joint force?

The Army accomplishes its mission by supporting the joint force in four strategic roles: shaping operational environments, preventing conflict, prevailing in large-scale ground combat operations, and consolidating gains.

What are the strategic roles of the US Army?

Its primary inputs are the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and National Military Strategy. be trained and proficient in their ability to deploy, whether it is a strategic deployment from the United States or an operational deployment within a theater.

Which type of operation exploits tactical and operational success by destroying or defeating an enemy means for protracted resistance and denying his operational purpose?

Operations to Consolidate Gains exploit tactical and operational success by destroying or defeating enemy means for protracted resistance and denying his operational purpose.

What are the US Army Strategic roles in support of the joint force?

Which is the most effective way to seize the initiative?

Offensive – Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Offensive action is the most effective and decisive way to attain a clearly defined common objective while maintaining freedom of action and achieving decisive results. Offensive demands disruption. You should be first to market by establishing the bar.

What are the principles of the People’s Liberation Army?

The military principles of war of the People’s Liberation Army were loosely based on those of the Soviet Union until the 1980s when a significant shift begun to be seen in a more regionally-aware, and geographically-specific strategic, operational and tactical thinking in all services.

Why is legitimacy so important in mission command?

Legitimacy will hinge only on the reality of adhering to authority, not on the perception of it by the national and international audience. In mission command, as approval levels are driven down, achieving a common and shared understanding of authorities becomes critical to support trust and confidence and expedite decision-making.

What is the principle of Distinction in the military?

A military commander must assess his or her obligations as to the principle of distinction, while avoiding actions that are indiscriminate. A key goal of the rules of engagement (ROE) working group is to proactively develop ROE and respond to requests for additional ROE measures.

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