What is meaning by legitimate?

What is meaning by legitimate?

1 : accepted by the law as rightful : lawful a legitimate heir. 2 : being right or acceptable a legitimate excuse. Other Words from legitimate. legitimately adverb.

What is legitimate data?

Legitimate interests is most likely to be an appropriate basis where you use data in ways that people would reasonably expect and that have a minimal privacy impact. You may be able to rely on legitimate interests in order to lawfully disclose personal data to a third party.

What does legitimate mean in law?

Legitimate has several legal meanings. When it is used as an adjective, it means lawful, or right. It can also refer to an individual of lawful parentage or lawful issue, meaning that they weren’t born out of wedlock. In simpler words, it means to make something proper or legal.

What does legitimate mean in history?

By Joachim Blatter | View Edit History. legitimacy, popular acceptance of a government, political regime, or system of governance.

What is legitimate purpose in data privacy?

The principle of legitimate purpose requires that the collection and processing of information must also be compatible with a declared and specified purpose, which must not be contrary to law, morals, or public policy. In other words, personal data should be processed fairly and lawfully.

Which of the following are legitimate reasons for collecting personal information?

The six main legal grounds for the lawfulness of personal data processing

  • Consent as a legal ground for lawful processing.
  • Contractual necessity as a lawful basis for processing.
  • Lawful processing on the ground of legal obligations.
  • Vital interests and lawful personal data processing.

What is a legitimate problem?

2 conforming to established standards of usage, behaviour, etc. 3 based on correct or acceptable principles of reasoning. 4 reasonable, sensible, or valid. a legitimate question. 5 authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law.

What does the word’legitimate’mean in religion?

Legitimate can also mean ‘justifiable under the circumstances’. Religious leaders have a legitimate reason to be concerned. If someone is legitimate, their parents were married at the time they were born.

What can a legitimate interest be used for?

If you still like to claim legitimate interest, you should be prepared to prove what legitimizes your interest in respect to the general interests of your user. Legitimate interest can be used for fraud prevention; network and information security; threats to public security or information necessary for a provider to carry out an action.

Which is the best definition of legitimate for kids?

Kids Definition of legitimate. 1 : accepted by the law as rightful : lawful a legitimate heir. 2 : being right or acceptable a legitimate excuse.

Which is the best definition of a legitimate business?

1. a. Being in compliance with the law; lawful: a legitimate business. b. Being in accordance with established or accepted rules and standards: legitimate advertising practices. c. Valid or justifiable: a legitimate complaint.

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