Which territory did Lewis and Clark explore after they left the Louisiana territory?

Which territory did Lewis and Clark explore after they left the Louisiana territory?

One year after the United States doubled its territory with the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition leaves St. Louis, Missouri, on a mission to explore the Northwest from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.

Did Lewis and Clark led an expedition into the Louisiana territory?

Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–06) was a U.S. military expedition, led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, to explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest. The expedition was a major chapter in the history of American exploration.

What major territory did the Lewis and Clark Expedition pass through?

In the spring of 1804, Lewis, Clark, and dozens of other men left St. Louis, Missouri, by boat. They traveled westward through what is now Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota. In November they reached Knife River Village in present-day North Dakota.

How many states did Lewis and Clark pass through on their trip?

The Trail connects 16 states (Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon) and many tribal lands.

What are facts about Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Interesting Lewis and Clark Expedition Facts: The Lewis and Clark Expedition is also referred to as the Corps of Discovery by historians. Captain Lewis was asked by the U.S. president Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory and America’s Wild West, after it had been purchased.

What was the cause of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Verified by Expert. The purpose of Lewis and Clark’s expedition was to find a land route to the Pacific. President Thomas Jefferson ordered the expedition shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 to explore and map the West. He also wanted to establish an American presence before Britain and other European nations tried to claim it.

What equipment did Lewis and Clark use?

The Lewis and Clark expedition utilized a number of navigational tools that were common in their day. Ascertaining latitude and longitude was accomplished using a sextant, and octant, a chronometer, and several types of artificial horizons. In addition to these instruments, the expedition carried a circumferentor, or surveying compass.

What was the journey of Lewis and Clark?

Lewis and Clark expedition. A journey made by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, to explore the American Northwest, newly purchased from France, and some territories beyond. The expedition started from St. Louis, Missouri, and moved up the Missouri River and down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean .

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