What is an example of simulate?

What is an example of simulate?

Simulate is defined as to imitate or take on the look of something. An example of to simulate is for a car video game to act just like driving a real car.

What is a word for simulate?

Some common synonyms of simulate are affect, assume, counterfeit, feign, pretend, and sham.

What does simulation mean?

1 : the act or process of simulating. 2 : a sham object : counterfeit. 3a : the imitative representation of the functioning of one system or process by means of the functioning of another a computer simulation of an industrial process.

What does it mean to simulate a person?

transitive verb. 1 : to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : imitate.

Does simulate have multiple meanings?

verb (used with object), sim·u·lat·ed, sim·u·lat·ing. to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like): to simulate crisis conditions. to make a pretense of; feign: to simulate knowledge. to assume or have the appearance or characteristics of: He simulated the manners of the rich.

How can I use simulate in a sentence?

Simulate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Many homeowners use apps that simulate the sound of a barking dog to keep intruders out of their homes.
  2. As the developer did not have a real device, he had to simulate his testing on his computer.
  3. Botanists often use lamps to simulate natural sunlight.

What is a simulation in simple words?

A simulation is a way of seeing a thing happen without it actually taking place in the same way. A simulation can be used to predict what might happen without doing it, in case it is dangerous or too expensive or difficult. It can also be used to show people what will happen next, or what happened in the past.

What is simulation in computing?

computer simulation, the use of a computer to represent the dynamic responses of one system by the behaviour of another system modeled after it. A simulation uses a mathematical description, or model, of a real system in the form of a computer program.

What is simulation explain with example?

The definition of a simulation is a model or representative example of something. When you create a computer program that is intended to model flying a plane, this is an example of a simulation. The use of a computer to calculate, by means of extrapolation, the effect of a given physical process.

What is the difference between stimulation and simulation?

The main difference between stimulation and simulation is that stimulation refers to arousing an organism to act while a simulation is an imitation of something. In brief, a stimulation drives an organism to act, whereas a simulation is the representation of something.

Do or make simulations?

Make a simulation vs Do a simulation. A complete search of the internet has found these results: Make a simulation is the most popular phrase on the web.

What does the word simulate mean in English?

verb (used with object), sim·u·lat·ed, sim·u·lat·ing. to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like): to simulate crisis conditions. to make a pretence of; feignto simulate anxiety

Which is the best definition of the word simulative?

1. to create a simulation or model of: to simulate crisis conditions. 2. to make a pretense of; feign: to simulate illness. 3. to assume or have the appearance or characteristics of: simulated leather. [1400–50; late Middle English (adj.) < Latin simulātus,past participle of simulāre,derivative of similissimilar; see -ate1]

What is the legal definition of simulate in Louisiana?

Legal Definition of simulate in the civil law of Louisiana : to make or carry out in a manner that does not express one’s true intent a simulated sale of the debtor’s property in which no consideration was paid

What is the meaning of the word sim?

sim·​u·​la·​tion | ˌsim-yə-ˈlā-shən . 1 : the act or process of simulating. 2 : a sham object : counterfeit. 3a : the imitative representation of the functioning of one system or process by means of the functioning of another a computer simulation of an industrial process.

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