How long does it take to get rid of toenail discoloration?

How long does it take to get rid of toenail discoloration?

While the injury itself heals quickly it, it’ll take about six to nine months for the discolored nail to completely grow out.

How do you get rid of dark toenails fast?

Over-the-counter ointments, creams, and polishes are usually effective. Severe cases may require a prescription antifungal treatment. If a black toenail is caused by an injury, the resulting spot from broken blood vessels will disappear once your nail grows out.

How long will toenail stay black?

Black Toenail: Common Causes The bruise usually starts out red, then becomes purple, dark brown, and finally black when blood beneath the nail pools and clots. Expect your black toenail to grow out in about 6 to 9 months or longer.

How long does it take for Vicks to work on nail fungus?

Once you see normal nail growing out (after about three to six months, so don’t be impatient), continue to remove or trim infected nails, and apply the Vicks twice daily. Although significant positive ef fects may take a year or more to appear (because the toenails grow so slowly), be patient.

How do you lighten dark toenails?

Prepare a baking soda paste using 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with two and a half tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl. Stir the two ingredients and then using a cotton swab apply it onto your nails and also under the tip of your nails. Leave this mixture for three minutes and then rinse it with warm water.

How do you fix Brown toenails?

What You Can Do About Discolored Toenails. If you develop toenail fungus, you can treat the infection with an antifungal cream or an oral medication. For other causes of toenail discoloration, make sure your feet are well protected and avoid walking barefoot to prevent an injury or infection.

How do you make dark toenails lighter?

Use lemon juice and baking soda paste Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 to 3 tablespoon of baking soda and stir them in a bowl. Using a cotton swab apply the paste on your nails and also underneath each nail. After about 15 minutes wash it off with soap and water.

How do I know if my toenail fungus is dying?

Top 5 signs your toenail fungus has gone nuclear

  1. Nail color changes. If your nail turns white and chalky or yellow, it’s not a good sign.
  2. Nail position changes. If your nail starts to curl downward or upward, it’s time to be concerned.
  3. Nail texture changes.
  4. Nail smell changes.
  5. Nail sensation changes.

How do you get rid of dark toenails naturally?

Vinegar is an antifungal ingredient that can be mixed with water to create a foot soak. It’s acetic acid component helps to whiten discolored toenails and stop the spread of the infection to other toes. Try two parts vinegar to one part warm water and soak feet for 20 minutes daily.

How do you get rid of brown toenails?

What You Can Do About Discolored Toenails

  1. Wear shoes that fit properly to avoid injury.
  2. Keep your toenails trimmed short.
  3. Wear clean socks.
  4. Dry your feet well after swimming or showering.
  5. Avoid walking barefoot, especially in public places.
  6. Avoid putting on socks or shoes while your feet are damp.

How long does it take for toenail discoloration to go away?

The discoloration in your nail will not disappear until the old toenail has grown out all the way. For most people, this process takes around 6 to 9 months. Even if your doctor does not end up surgically removing the nail, there’s a chance it will come off on its own.

How long does it take for a black toenail to grow out?

The discoloration in your nail will not disappear until the old toenail has grown out all the way. For most people, this process takes around 6 to 9 months. Even if your doctor does not end up surgically removing the nail, there’s a chance it will come off on its own. Typically, a new nail will grow in after several months.

What’s the best way to clear up dark toenails?

How to Clear Up Dark Toenails. If your nail discoloration has occurred from wearing nail polish, select a formaldehyde-free primer next time to layer under your topcoat. To remove the stains now, soak your toes in lemon juice and water to help lighten them.

When to see a doctor for dark toenails?

How to Clear Up Dark Toenails. If your toes are infected by a fungus (as indicated by browning, yellowing or crumbling of the nails), see a doctor for a medicated nail polish to kill the fungus. If the nail has a greenish hue see a doctor as soon as possible, as this may be the result of a bacterial infection.

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