Is there a surface with no friction?

Is there a surface with no friction?

No, we cannot have zero friction surfaces. We can reduce the friction but we can never reduce it to zero because every surface will still have minor in them. A frictionless surface is not possible is not possible because the surface cannot have a zero friction surface.

What might happen if there is no friction 5 examples?

1: You will not be able to write. 2: No riding cycle, bike and not even a car or bus. 3: No machines in companies and so no mechanics. 4: You would have not been able to sit, walk, run or dance.

Does water have friction?

When an object (say a boat) moves through water, there certainly is a type of friction. The water will heat up slightly as energy from the big motion gets lost in energy of the jiggling water molecules. This friction in liquids is different from friction between solids in an important way.

Is friction necessary for motion?

Frictional force causes a lot of losses in general upkeep and wear and tear of machinery. But almost all crucial tasks cannot be carried out without the presence of friction. Basic activities like walking and writing on a surface are possible due to friction. Hence it is considered as a necessary evil.

Is sand can reduce friction?

Sliding Sand Adding a small amount of water to sand can significantly reduce the sliding friction.

What would happen if there were no friction?

Overall, the absence of friction would cause many changes: some good, and some bad. On the whole, however, life would probably be more difficult without friction. The biggest problem would be the absence of heat. Without heat, humans and most species of life would die.

What would the world be like without friction?

A world without friction is a totally different world than our’s today. It would be equivalent to walking or driving on oil-covered slippery ice. Or like walking on a treadmill. In other words, you wouldn’t be able to move by walking or driving places.

What would happen if there was no friction to a moving object?

If there is no friction, then the moving objects never stop. They are going on going. It is because friction plays a vital role in stopping the moving objects. Additionally, there is no living thing there without friction.

Can there be no friction?

No, exactly zero friction isn’t possible practically. But we can get very close to it by using having very flat and even surfaces, ball bearings, lubricants etc. Having zero friction means that there is no interaction between the two surfaces in contact, but there is no way we can avoid such interaction completely.

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