Which of the following did populists support?

Which of the following did populists support?

Populists also supported a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, improved working conditions in factories, immigration restrictions, an eight-hour workday, the recognition of unions, and easier access to credit. During the early 1890s, the Populist Party garnered numerous victories.

Why did populists support William Jennings Bryan quizlet?

William Jennings Bryan. He was a supporter of silver, farming interests and improved conditions for the urban working class.

Why did Populists want silver in the money supply?

Bryan wanted the United States to use silver to back the dollar at a value that would inflate the prices farmers received for their crops, easing their debt burden. This position was known as the Free Silver Movement.

Why did the populist support bimetallism?

Why did farmers want bimetalism? Initially, supporters of the free money movement believed that bimetallism would help the economy by causing inflation. It would help farmers and other people with excessive debt. Allowing bimetalism would have increased the money supply in the United States.

Why did the business tycoons put their support behind William McKinley?

The business tycoons put their support behind William McKinley because they didn’t want William Jennings Bryan to destroy their businesses and end their methods with his promises to support the common man and fight big business. “Anti-trust” means legislation breaking up monopolies to increase business competition.

What was the major goal of the populist movement?

They demanded an increase in the circulating currency (to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, a tariff for revenue only, the direct election of U.S. senators, and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy and give farmers …

Why did the Coinage Act of 73 become known as the Crime of 73?

The law was labeled a “crime” by those who were left holding relatively worthless silver coins, as well as those who opposed the gold standard as monetary rule.

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