What property of the wire accounts for this difference?

What property of the wire accounts for this difference?

Answer: high resistance of the filament wire accounts for this difference.

What happens when high electric current passes through the filament?

When the current passes through the filament, it gets heated to incandescence and gives light because the filament is of high resistance. When current passes through a bad conductor of electricity, the energy is converted in some or other way either in heat or light.

How is the bulb connected to the wire?

The bulb has two thick contact wires in the center with a thin wire attached between them. This thin wire is called filament. One of the thick wires is connected to the metal case at the base of the bulb and the other is connected to the metal tip at the center of the base. These two form the terminals.

How does the length of a high resistance wire affect the flow of current through the circuit?

First, the total length of the wires will affect the amount of resistance. The longer the wire, the more resistance that there will be. When all other variables are the same, charge will flow at higher rates through wider wires with greater cross-sectional areas than through thinner wires.

When current passes through the filament of a fused bulb it glows?

The filament of an electric bulb glows because of the heating effect of electric current. As the current passes through the bulb it heats the filament which gives off light.

Why does the bulb glows when electric current oases through it?

When electric current passes through a bulb, the filament of the bulb heats up to a high temperature. This is called heating effect of current. The temperature is so high that it starts glowing.

What does a filament do in a light bulb?

In an incandescent type of bulb, an electric current is passed through a thin metal filament, heating the filament until it glows and produces light. Incandescent bulbs typically use a tungsten filament because of tungsten’s high melting point.

How does changing the length of wire affect the resistance?

First, the total length of the wires will affect the amount of resistance. The longer the wire, the more resistance that there will be. After all, if resistance occurs as the result of collisions between charge carriers and the atoms of the wire, then there is likely to be more collisions in a longer wire.

Why does length of wire affect resistance?

The resistance of a long wire is greater than the resistance of a short wire because electrons collide with more ions as they pass through. The relationship between resistance and wire length is proportional .

Why does the bulb glow when electric current passes through it?

The filament of an electric bulb glows because of the heating effect of electric current. As the current passes through the bulb it heats the filament which gives off light. The filament then heats up and becomes red-hot as a result of this it begins to glow, turning electrical energy into light energy.

Why does the filament of a light bulb glow?

Why does the filament glow? Electricity flowing through the filament is essentially just electrons moving along the wire. The movement of these electrons isn’t smooth: as well as moving in one direction, they are also bouncing around, hitting each other. As the electrons fall back, they emit photons of light.

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