What is the idiom for hang around?

What is the idiom for hang around?

(idiomatic) To stay, linger or loiter. If you hang around after the show, you can meet the cast.

What does loiter mean?

1 : to delay an activity with idle stops and pauses : dawdle asked him not to loiter on the way home. 2a : to remain in an area for no obvious reason teenagers loitering in the parking lot. b : to lag behind a crowd of people, who loitered to hear the bloodcurdling threats the prisoner shouted— Willa Cather.

How is Dally mean?

1a : to act playfully especially : to play amorously. b : to deal lightly : toy accused him of dallying with a serious problem. 2a : to waste time.

What is the difference between hang out and hang around?

“Hang out” implies that there was specific intent to spend time with the friend. “Hang around” indicates that it was a default choice taken only in the absence of other options.

Where does the term hanging around come from?

Etymonline.com says “Teen slang sense of “spend time” first recorded 1951; hang around “idle, loiter” is from 1830, and hang out (v.) is from 1844.”

Do not hang around meaning?

/hæŋ/ informal (UK also hang about) to move or do things slowly: Go and pack but don’t hang around – we have to go in an hour.

What is Dwaddle?

intransitive verb. 1 : to spend time idly … dawdled about in the vestibule …— Jane Austen.

What no loitering means?

To loiter is to hang around a place with no real purpose, usually somewhere where you are not welcome — like under the “No Loitering” sign at a convenience store.

What Wally means?

countable noun. If you refer to someone as a wally, you think that they are stupid or foolish. [British, informal, disapproval]

What transacted means?

1 : to carry to completion transact a sale. 2 : to carry on the operation or management of : do transact business. intransitive verb. : to carry on business.

What does hanging out mean to a girl?

Answer: Whether she suggests that you “hang out,” “get together,” or “do something,” it almost always means going out on a date, so I wouldn’t worry about telling the difference. You may think it’s vague, but a lot of women consider asking a man to “hang out” to be a pretty bold come-on.

Where does the saying hanging around come from?

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