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What does the Italian word cosa mean?
Now what’s the word for this again… No, that isn’t a typo: we do mean coso and not cosa. The two are closely related but subtly different, as you’ll see. Cosa, as you probably know already, means ‘thing’, ‘something’ or ‘anything’ – whether that’s a particular object, an abstract matter or something undefined.
What is Cosa Nostra means?
our thing
: our thing : the Sicilian Mafia.
What does Cosa mean?
Acronym. Definition. COSA. Committee on Substance Abuse (various organizations)
What is the meaning of Cosa in English?
cosa, la ~ (f) (asuntocuestión) business, the ~ Noun. case, the ~ Noun. matter, the ~ Noun. affair, the ~ Noun.
What is the difference between Cosa and Che?
If we translate word by word, “che” means “what” and “cosa” means “thing”.
What does Omerta mean in Italian?
Omertà (/oʊˈmɛərtə/, Italian pronunciation: [omerˈta]) is a Southern Italian code of silence and code of honor and conduct that places importance on silence in the face of questioning by authorities or outsiders; non-cooperation with authorities, the government, or outsiders, especially during criminal investigations; …
What means Sicilian?
Sicilian means belonging or relating to Sicily, or to its people or culture. countable noun. A Sicilian is a Sicilian citizen, or a person of Sicilian origin.
What does Casa Nostra?
Italian, literally: our thing.
What is the meaning of Nostra costra?
The Sicilian Mafia, also simply known as the Mafia and frequently referred to as Cosa Nostra (Italian: [ˈkɔːza ˈnɔstra, ˈkɔːsa -], Sicilian: [ˈkɔːsa ˈnɔʂː(ɽ)a]; “our thing”) by its members, is an Italian Mafia-terrorist-type organized crime syndicate and criminal society originating in the region of Sicily and dating …
How do you use Cosa in Italian?
If we translate word by word, “che” means “what” and “cosa” means “thing”. The versions “che” and “che cosa” as “what?” used to be the only options accepted, but “cosa” alone became prevalent with time. Literally “Thing you are eating tonight?”
What are the most beautiful words in Italian?
Azzurro. Quite possibly the most beautiful word for a color in any language, azzurro is the Italian word for “blue.” Just saying the word can bring to mind a bright, sunny day. The double z makes a ts sound, much like in pizza (one of the best Italian foods!) and the double r lets you practice rolling them.
What are some beautiful Italian phrases?
La vita è più dolce con te. Life is sweeter with you.
What are some Italian sayings?
Use these courtesy phrases when speaking in Italian so you can be considerate and polite; they’ll also help you communicate easily: Per favore (pehr fah-voh-reh) (Please.) Per piacere (pehr pyah-cheh-reh) (Please.) Grazie (grah-tsee-eh) (Thank you.) Prego! (preh-goh) (You’re welcome!; By all means, after you.) Non c’è di che. Mi dispiace. Mi scusi.
What is the Italian proverb?
Here are some of the best Italian proverbs: Si dice sempre il lupo più grande che non è. Which literally translates to: The wolf is made bigger than it is. But actually means: Lying a little might make the story better. (Which – obviously – is totally true).