What words mean the same as fun?

What words mean the same as fun?

synonyms for fun

  • amusing.
  • enjoyable.
  • entertaining.
  • lively.
  • pleasant.
  • boisterous.
  • convivial.
  • merry.

How do you say very funny?

synonyms for very funny

  1. amusing.
  2. comical.
  3. humorous.
  4. funny.
  5. side-splitting.

What is a synonym for feeling funny?

“Suspicion crept into my mind and I had a funny feeling that she knew I didn’t go to the movies.”…What is another word for funny feeling?

bad feeling foreboding
foreshadowing sinking feeling
presage premonition
misgiving hunch
intuition feeling

What do you call someone who is playful?

frisky. The definition of frisky is a playful or lively person or thing.

What do you call a weird person?

What is another word for strange person?

freak oddity
nutter oddball
wacko weirdie
weirdo case
eccentric person free spirit

What does it mean to feel funny?

DEFINITIONS1. to feel slightly ill. I’ve been feeling a bit funny all day. Synonyms and related words. To feel or be ill.

Are there any funny synonyms for the word funny?

laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, riotous, risible, screaming, sidesplitting, uproarious. Words Related to funny.

Is there a word that could mean both serious and humorous?

So basically, you can say that she is being serious and humorous at the same time. Deadpan. Deadpan means “without emotion,” but the most often-used context is “deadpan humor” which is humor delivered in a serious manner. You could use Seriocomic. adj. Both serious and comic. adj.

Are there any synonyms for the word joking?

funny; gelastic; goofus; goofy; gump; humorous; ironic; jerky; jocular; joking; joshing; laughable; light; loony; ludicrous; nutty; priceless; ridiculous; risible; screwy; side-splitting; silly; wacky; waggish; whimsical; witty

What makes a hashtag a ” funny ” hashtag?

The hashtag itself also has to be memorable, funny or otherwise worth sharing. Maybe there are a few poems or funny stories written by the contributors. Given how ubiquitous Uber and other ride-sharing services have become, it’s funny to think they weren’t even around ten years ago.

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