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How to get equipments in MapleStory m?
In order to get equipment in MapleStory M, you’re going to need to open plenty of treasure boxes. You’ll get one of these for free each day you log-in, or you can spend 50,000 Meso to buy one. Alternatively, treasure boxes can be found in the game’s Elite Dungeons, should you feel confident in taking them on.
What class is Adele MapleStory?
Adele is a member of the High Flora race. She is a Warrior-type class who uses a Bladecaster as a primary weapon and Bladebinder as a secondary weapon.
How do you use the treasure box in MapleStory M?
These can be accessed by simply heading to a Cash Shop and redeeming the treasure box from the menu that displays the vendor’s wares. The first time is free, after that, you’ll have to shell out 50,000 Mesos per box.
How do you use items in MapleStory?
To use a purchased item, you will first need to transfer it to your Item Inventory. Simply double-click the item in your Cash Inventory to automatically move it into your Item Inventory. Double-click it again to remove it and return it to your Cash Inventory.
Is Adele gender locked?
Adele is a new warrior Lef class, which uses the new weapon Tuner, and her secondary Bracelet. While the storyline character is female, players can create male versions of her as well.
Can I skip Adele Questline?
One of Adele’s skills allows her to recover HP and MP every couple seconds which can save you a lot of potions. Please note that Story Tutorial is required and not skippable for advancements and for getting your beginner skill, Unlocking Greatness, to max level 10 (at character lvl 200).
How do I open MapleStory?
If needed, click Change Settings button in top-right corner. In the Allowed Apps window, click Allow another app… In Add an App window, click Browse. Navigate to MapleStory installation folder, select MapleStory.exe program and click Open.
How do you get a treasure box in Maplestory M?
Here’s how to get a treasure box in MapleStory M. Players are actually awarded a single free treasure box each day. These can be accessed by simply heading to a Cash Shop and redeeming the treasure box from the menu that displays the vendor’s wares.
Where do you get equipment in Maple Story m?
Equipment in Maple Story M is a commodity that you’ll need in no short supply, but don’t necessarily have to be purchased outright. There are a couple of different ways to get equipment; however, you’ll find yourself most typically obtaining pieces of equipment from treasure boxes.
Where do you get a treasure box in Twinfinite?
These can be accessed by simply heading to a Cash Shop and redeeming the treasure box from the menu that displays the vendor’s wares. The first time is free, after that, you’ll have to shell out 50,000 Mesos per box. Equipment can also be bought through the trade station.