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What are short vowel patterns?
In a one-syllable word, a short vowel sound often is spelled with one vowel letter. C-V-C, or Consonant-Vowel-Consonant, is a common short vowel spelling pattern. C-V-C-C, or Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-Consonant, is another common short vowel spelling pattern.
Is Cat a short vowel?
When a vowel occurs alone between two consonants we can expect a short vowel sound. In the word ‘cat,’ c-a-t, the vowel letter a is between two consonants, the ‘c’ and the ‘t. ‘ It isn’t surprising, then, that the word ‘cat’ is pronounced with a /æ/ sound (/æ/).
How do you write a short vowel?
The short vowels can represented by a curved symbol above the vowel: ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ. The long vowels can be represented by a horizontal line above the vowel: ā, ē, ī, ō, ū. Here are some examples of short vowel words: at, egg, it, ox, up.
When do short vowels occur in a word?
Short vowel sounds occur when the letter is not pronounced the way it sounds. Long vowel sounds are created by placing two vowels together or ending the word with an ‘E.’. Short vowel sounds happen when a vowel is placed next to a consonant.
What does a long vowel sound like in English?
Long vowels in English sound just like the letter sounds in the alphabet. Some examples of long vowel sounds include: What does a short vowel sound like in English? Short vowel sounds, on the other hand, have very different sounds.
When do you use a second vowel in a word?
Three letters usually don’t allow for a second vowel to force the long vowel sound out. Exceptions include words like “bee” or “tea.” These words use a second vowel to force the long vowel sound from the first one, while other words like ” ant ” or ” mat ” use the placement of consonants to force a short vowel sound.
Are there any words that have more than one vowel?
There are so many words in the English language that use more than one vowel. It’s very common for words to have more than one long vowel sound, more than one short vowel sound, or both long and short vowel sounds together!