What is the synonym of box?

What is the synonym of box?

In this page you can discover 86 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for box, like: pack, case, spot, crate, confine, package, punch, slug, hit, cuff and cross gloves.

What is the synonym and antonym of box?

Antonyms: unbox. Synonyms: boxwood, box seat, loge, corner, boxful. box, packageverb.

What is the antonym for box?

What is the opposite of box?

parry defend
deflect block
counter fend off

What is the synonym of small box?

small box, casket, chest, container, case, receptacle.

What is the synonym of packaging?

Synonyms of ‘packaging’ Put a polythene cover over it to protect it from dust. box. packing. wrapper. an unsmoked cigar in its cellophane wrapper.

How do you describe a box?

A box (plural: boxes) is a container used for the storage or transportation of its contents. Most boxes have flat, parallel, rectangular sides. Boxes can be very small (like a matchbox) or very large (like a shipping box for furniture), and can be used for a variety of purposes from functional to decorative.

What is a plural form of box?

box. noun (3) plural box or boxes. Definition of box (Entry 5 of 6)

What is the technical term for a box?

coffer, lockbox, safe, safe-deposit box, strongbox.

What’s another name for a storage box?

What is another word for storage box?

trunk case
casket container
bin caddy
coffer locker
crate kist

What is the synonym of wrapped?

In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for wrapped, like: covered, encased, swaddled, enwrapped, protected, enveloped, shrouded, concealed, clothed, cloaked and draped.

What is a large box called?

Noun. A strongbox or small chest for holding valuables. coffer. strongbox. casket.

What is another word for box?

box(noun) a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid. “he rummaged through a box of spare parts”. Synonyms: boxwood, box seat, loge, corner, boxful. Antonyms: unbox. box, loge(noun) private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance. “the royal box was empty”.

What is another word for “big box”?

Big boxes: as in superstores, supercenters. Synonyms: supercenters, superstores, boutiques… Find the right word.

What is a synonym for mailbox?

Princeton ‘s WordNet (2.50 / 2 votes)Rate these synonyms: mailbox, letter box(noun) a private box for delivery of mail. Synonyms: postbox, mailbox, letter box(noun) public box for deposit of mail. Synonyms:

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