Is etcetera in the dictionary?

Is etcetera in the dictionary?

1. a number of other things or persons unspecified. 2. etceteras, extras or sundries.

What is the meaning of e’t c?

Etc. is an abbreviation for et cetera and is defined as meaning and so forth. An example of the usage of etc. is in the sentence, “Please purchase some fruit such as apples, oranges, etc.,” which means “Please purchase some fruit such as apples, oranges and more.” abbreviation.

How do you use etc in British English?

etc is used at the end of a list to indicate that you have mentioned only some of the items involved and have not given a full list. etc is a written abbreviation for ‘et cetera’. She knew all about my schoolwork, my hospital work etc.

Who is etc?

Elite Tauren Chieftain (E.T.C.), the Rock God, is a melee Tank Hero from the Warcraft universe. The Power of the Horde incarnated by brutal rhythms and blistering guitar riffs into the form of the most elite Tauren chieftain to ever headbang across the surface of Azeroth.

Is etcetera one or two words?

The Latin term et cetera (“and the rest”) is usually written as two words in Canadian English. However, the one-word spelling etcetera is also correct. The abbreviation for this term is etc.

What is the symbol for etcetera?

People most often write “et cetera” as etc.. Very rarely, it is also written “&c” because the ampersand, or the “&”, is the same as “et”, having been formed by ‘e’ and ‘t’ being joined into a single letter. It is also the symbol for “and”.

What does ECT mean in text?

“Etcetera (misspelling of etc.)” is the most common definition for ECT on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. ECT. Definition: Etcetera (misspelling of etc.)

How do I use etcetera?

Use. Et cetera and its more common abbreviation, etc. , are used to show that a list of at least two items is incomplete. The list may include either things or people: Karen tries not to eat chips, chocolate, et cetera, even though she loves junk food.

Does etc need a period British English?

American English uses periods after abbreviations (Dr. for Doctor; Mr. for Mister, etc.), while British English frequently omits them.

What type of word is etcetera?

noun, plural et·cet·er·as. a number of other things or persons unspecified. etceteras, extras or sundries.

What word class is etcetera?

What does the name etcetera mean?

Definition of etcetera. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a number of unspecified additional persons or things. 2 etceteras plural : unspecified additional items : odds and ends.

What is the meaning of/origin of the word ‘etcetera’?

Et cetera is a calque of the Koine Greek καὶ τὰ ἕτερα ( kai ta hetera) meaning ‘and the other things’ . The typical Modern Greek form is και τα λοιπά ( kai ta loipá ), ‘and the remainder’. The one-word spelling “etcetera” appears in some dictionaries.

What does et cetera mean?

Et cetera. Et cetera (in English; /ɛtˈsɛtərə/; Latin pronunciation : [ɛt ˈkeːtɛra]), abbreviated to etc., etc, &c., or &c, is a Latin expression that is used in English to mean “and other similar things”, or “and so forth”.

What is the abbreviation for et cetera?

Et cetera is a Latin phrase . Et means “and.” Cetera means “the rest.”. The abbreviation of et cetera is etc. Use etc. when you begin a list that you will not complete; it indicates that there are other items in the list besides the ones you explicitly mention.

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