What are 6 letter words that start with C?

What are 6 letter words that start with C?

Using 6 letter words starting with C, particularly with an already-played tile with which you can hook, is a good way to get rid of even multiple C s. Such 6 letter words starting with C include COCCYX, CHAINS, CLOACA. The 6 letter words starting with S are much more common because S is the most common consonant in the English language.

Which is the best word with six letters?

Some of the most common words with six letters include REALLY , LITTLE , SHOULD , PLEASE , PEOPLE , THINGS, and BETTER. With a B and an F, BEFORE is one of the better options among common 6 letter words. It scores 11 points in Scrabble® and 12 points in Words With Friends®.

Which is the best 6 letter word in Scrabble?

With a B and an F, BEFORE is one of the better options among common 6 letter words. It scores 11 points in Scrabble® and 12 points in Words With Friends®. Some of these common words are also a good way to use more challenging letters like P and B.

Are there any words with n as a second letter?

List of all 6-letter words with N as second letter. There are 910 six-letter words with N as second letter: ANABAS ANADEM ANALLY UNYOKE UNZIPS YNAMBU. Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble.

Which is an example of a 6 letter word?

Such 6 letter words starting with C include COCCYX, CHAINS, CLOACA. The 6 letter words starting with S are much more common because S is the most common consonant in the English language. Examples include SALMON , SHINED , and SUPPER .

Are there any 6 letter words with X in them?

Among our list of 6 letter words with X, you’ll find BIJOUX, an archaic term for jewels and trinkets. When someone JINXES something, it means they brought bad luck to it. Some more common 6 letter words containing X include SKYBOX , CONVEX, and MUSKOX.

What are some 6 letter words starting with a?

What are some 6 letter words starting with A? ACORNS, ASSAYS, ALLIES, and AXIOMS.

Are there any 6 letter words starting with R?

6-letter words starting with R. R. 6-letter Words. Raabes. rabato. rabats. Rabaul. rabbet. rabbin.

Are there any words that start with the letter O?

6 letter words starting with O. oafish 11. oakums 14. oaring 9. oaters 6. obeahs 11. obelia 10. obelus 11. obeyed 12.

What’s the most common word with six letters?

Some of the most common words with six letters include REALLY , LITTLE , SHOULD , PLEASE , PEOPLE , THINGS, and BETTER. With a B and an F, BEFORE is one of the better options among common 6 letter words.

How are the last two letters of a number spelled?

first – last two letters are ‘st’ so put after 1 = 1st. second – last two letters are ‘nd’ put after 2 = 2nd. third – last two letters are ‘rd’ so put after 3 = 3rd. 4th – last two letters are ‘th’ so put after 4 = 4th. We just add ‘th’ to teen numbers: 14th = fourteenth (fourteen + th)

What are 6 letter words starting with L?

L. 6-letter Words. laager. laaris. labara. Labars. Labats. Labbes. labdas.


Are there any words that start with the letter U?

6 letter words starting with U. ubiety 12. ubique 20. udders 9. uglier 10. uglies 10. uglify 15. uglily 13. ugsome 12.

Are there any words with U as a third letter?

List of all 6-letter words with U as third letter. There are 1047 six-letter words with U as third letter: ABULIA ABULIC ABUNAS ZEUGMA ZOUAVE ZOUNDS. Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble.

Are there any words that start with C and end with E?

cuttle. cymene. cymose. This list of 6 letter words that start with c and end with e alphabet is valid for both American English and British English with meaning. You can use these six letter words for finding good domain names while playing scrabble or in research. Tags: C, E, words starting with C and ending in E.

Are there any words that start with the letter R?

6 letter words starting with R. rabato 9. rabats 9. rabbet 12. rabbin 13. rabbis 12. rabbit 12. rabble 13. rabies 9.

What are some words that have double letters?

Words 15 letters long. Double letters at 2nd position: accomplishments, appropriateness, immunoglobulins. Double letters at 3rd position: differentiation, supplementation, dissatisfaction, differentiating, correspondingly, correspondences, collaboratively, surreptitiously.

Are there any words that start with the letter F?

faaing fabber Fabian fabled fabler fables Fablon Fabres fabric Fabrys

Are there any words with n as a third letter?

List of all 6-letter words with N as third letter. There are 1685 six-letter words with N as third letter: ACNODE ADNATE ADNEXA ZONULA ZONULE ZONURE. Every word on this site is valid scrabble words.

Are there any words with H as a third letter?

There are 251 six-letter words with H as third letter: AAHING ABHORS ACHAGE YAHOOS YSHEND YSHENT. Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble.

6 letter words that start with C

  • cabala.
  • cabals.
  • cabana.
  • cabane.
  • cabbed.
  • cabbie.
  • cabble.
  • cabers.

What’s a 6 letter word that ends in C?

6-letter words ending with C

Abanic abulic
atonic atopic
atypic Avaric
axenic axonic
azonic azotic

What are some positive words beginning with letter C?

Positive Adjective Words Starting with Letter C Compassionate: showing or having sympathy for another’s suffering Considerate: showing concern for the rights and feelings of others Courageous: able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching Courteous: characterized by politeness and gracious good manners Cagey: very clever and/or careful. Calm: still; quiet; serene; undisturbed.

What is positive words beginning with C?

Compassionate: showing or having sympathy for another’s suffering

  • Considerate: showing concern for the rights and feelings of others
  • Courageous: able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
  • Courteous: characterized by politeness and gracious good manners
  • Cagey: very clever and/or careful.
  • Calm: still; quiet; serene; undisturbed.
  • What are some nouns that begin with the letter C?

    They can be general (common nouns) or specific (proper nouns). Examples include: Marco Polo , Genghis Khan , mouse, marker, website. Examples that start with the letter “c” include: cake, carpet, Cara Delevingne , Croatia, Crete , crib, carp, cave, cult, culture, carnival, carnivore, cap, cape, collar, collarbone, candy, cat, Cairo , Caracas.

    What words begin with the letter C?

    Here are the Compound Words beginning with C : Call Taxi. Capsize. Carhop. Carport. Catbird. Catfish. Catnip.

    What are some good six letter words for Scrabble?

    The Most Popular Six-Letter Words The three most common are NUMBER, PEOPLE, and BEFORE. These are good words to use to make get rid of hard-to-use letters, such as both P s, a B and an F, and a U and a B.

    Which is an example of an eight letter word?

    Examples include SALMON, SHINED, and SUPPER. The real gems are the words ending with S because all nouns and verbs can either be made plural or put into the third person. You can use these word forms as eight-letter bingos. Rack balance is crucial for success in games like Words With Friends.

    What are some 6 letter words in English?

    But, what are the most popular 6 letter words in English? Some of the most common words with six letters include REALLY, LITTLE, SHOULD, PLEASE, PEOPLE, THINGS, and BETTER. With a B and an F, BEFORE is one of the better options among common 6 letter words.

    Can you play bingo with 6 letter words?

    In those games, 6 letter words are just a letter (or two) shy of a lucrative bingo bonus! If you can find a way to use up all the tiles on your letter rack, you probably should. Even so, it’s USEFUL to COMMIT a good SAMPLE of 6 letter words to memory. That way, you can STRIKE when the CHANCE ARISES for a high-scoring play.

    How many 6 letter words are there in Scrabble?

    6-Letter Words FAQ 1 How many 6 letter words are there? There are more than 20,000 six-letter words in the Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, Volume 6. 2 What are some 6 letter words starting with S? STARED, SPREAD, and SALIENT. 3 What are some 6 letter words starting with A? ACORNS, ASSAYS, ALLIES, and AXIOMS.

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