What is PS abbreviation of?

What is PS abbreviation of?

PS stands for postscript. It comes from the Latin postscriptum, which literally means “written after.” A postscript is an additional thought added to letters (and sometimes other documents) that comes after it has been completed. The P.S. is the most charming part of a letter. It’s the wink you give as you walk away.

What is PS in engineering?

What is a Professional Surveyor (P.S.) According to the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors, a registered Professional Surveyor in Ohio is “a person who is registered as a professional surveyor as outlined in the Ohio Revised Code.

What is PD construction?

Principal Designer (PD)

What is the abbreviation for construction?

There are three common abbreviations of construction: const., constr., constrn. If you want to make any of these plural, simply add on an “s.”

What does PS stand for in sales?

The price-to-sales (P/S) ratio is a valuation ratio that compares a company’s stock price to its revenues. It is an indicator of the value that financial markets have placed on each dollar of a company’s sales or revenues.

What does pa stand for in construction?

Pa – Pascal (S.I. Unit of Pressure) PA – Planning Authority.

What does TMI mean in construction?

Leases for these spaces are very different from residential agreements, especially since landlords may require you to pay an amount in addition to your actual rent. This payment often covers taxes, maintenance, and insurance (TMI).

How do you abbreviate assistant?

Asst. is an abbreviation for assistant.

What does Lit mean in construction?

A Lit Building is simply a term used to describe a building that already has Telecom Carrier and/or Internet Service Providers (ISPs) fiber facilities installed somewhere within it and already tied back into their networks.

How do you write PS example?

Add more postscripts by adding a ‘P’ to “P.S.” The “post” in “postscript” is a Latin word meaning ‘after’ (“script” means ‘writing’ in Latin), and so when you add another ‘P’ to a “P.S.’”, you are creating an “after-after-writing” to form P.P.S.

What does Ps stand for in plumbing category?

Regardless of which toilet was chosen the cost for the plumber to install is the same, therefore it is included in the total price. PS stands for Provisional Sum. Provisional Sum items are similar in that they are an allowance for an unknown item but in this case it includes materials and labour.

What does Ps stand for in an allowance?

PS stands for Provisional Sum. Provisional Sum items are similar in that they are an allowance for an unknown item but in this case it includes materials and labour.

Which is the best example of a PS?

Are monetary allowances for the carrying out (generally elements) of work, the extent and nature of which is indeterminate at the time of preparing the quotation. An example of a PS could be an allowance for the supply and installation of an air-conditioning system.

What is the role of EPs sheathing in construction?

A variety of EPS sheathing products are available, depending on the application. One of the primary functions of sheathing is to control moisture by acting as a vapor retarder. A perforated foil increases breathability when used above grade, thereby avoiding any type of condensation build-up between the interior and exterior of a structure.

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