What is the meaning of the Itik-itik folk dance?

What is the meaning of the Itik-itik folk dance?

WHAT is ITIK-ITIK? Itik-itik is a mimetic folk dance in The Philippines. It originated in the province of Surigao in Mindanao. In Itik-itik (from the Tagalog word for “duck”), the dance steps imitate the movements of ducks among rice paddies and swamplands, such as wading, flying, and short, choppy steps.

What is the main purpose of dancing Itik-itik folk dance?

Like other fiestas, the Itik-Itik Festival is a thanksgiving celebration to their patron saint for hearing their prayers. As part of the celebration, the famous Itik-Itik dance is never forgotten. The performers’ choreography includes movements that imitate ducks and other birds.

Where did Itik-itik folk dance originated?

A: The Itik Itik dance originated in Surigao del Sur. This ethnic dance is commonly performed during Field Days in schools in the Philippines.

What are the steps of Itik-itik?

Results revealed that the prominent dance steps in the Philippine local dance Itik-itik are the (1) running, (2) cross step, slide close, slide close step, (3) heel, close-ball, close arm, (4) step, slide-close, slide, (5) arms extension/flexion, and (6) flapping of the arms.

What tribe is ITIK ITIK dance?

The Itik-Itik dance is popular among the Visayans of the province of Surigao del Norte. It has many variations of steps from which the dancers choose and combine.

What is the counting of the ITIK ITIK music?

The music of Itik itik dance has 2 parts, Part A and Part B. It is counted as 1,2,3 in a measure.

What tribe is Itik-itik dance?

How many parts are there in Itik-Itik?

2 parts
The music of Itik itik dance has 2 parts, Part A and Part B. It is counted as 1,2,3 in a measure.

What is the step pattern of Gallop step?


Beat Step
Gallop Step
1& Make a slight leap forward on R foot (1), Making a slight leap, close L foot to R foot (&).
Note: The gallop can start on either foot and can go sideways as well as forward. I suppose it could go backwards also, although I have never seen that.

What indigenous group dances ITIK ITIK?

Who is the mother of Philippine dancing?

Francisca Reyes-Aquino
Francisca Reyes-Aquino is considered as the mother of Filipino Folk Dance for her research. In 1921 during the Manila Fiesta Carnival, Reyes-Aquino, who was a student assistant for Physical Education, presented 4 dances – cariñosa, abaruray, salabat, and areuana.

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