What are the three advantages of Green Revolution?

What are the three advantages of Green Revolution?

List of the Advantages of the Green Revolution

  • It may be helping to reduce the number of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • It allows us to produce more food than traditional growing methods.
  • It provides us with consistent yields during uncooperative seasons.
  • It causes a reduction in food prices for the global economy.

What are the five advantages of Green Revolution?

The green revolution led to high productivity of crops through adapted measures, such as (1) increased area under farming, (2) double-cropping, which includes planting two crops rather than one, annually, (3) adoption of HYV of seeds, (4) highly increased use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, (5) improved …

What are the advantages of Green Revolution class 9?

Green Revolution introduces a number of modern farming methods in India. (i) Higher yield due to the use of HYV seeds. (ii) Machines like harvesters, tractors and threshers have made ploughing and harvesting faster and easier. (iii) Higher yield enabled farmers to sell the surplus food in the market and earn more.

How did Green Revolution benefit the Indian farmers Class 12?

Answer: Green Revolution led to an increase in the production of food grains. With the use of modern technology, extensive use of fertilisers, pesticides and HYV seeds there was a significant increase in the agricultural productivity and product per farm land.

How did Green Revolution benefit the Indian farmers?

The Green Revolution in late 1960s introduced the Indian farmer to high yielding variety of seeds to produce much greater amount of grain on a single plant.

What are the positive and negative effects of Green Revolution?

1 – Increase in Production / yield. 3 – Better land use by employing two and three crop pattern. 4 – better scientific methods applied as per requirement of farms. 5- New seeds have been developed with better yield and disease fighting capability.

What are advantages and disadvantages of Green Revolution?

The amount of greenhouse gas emissions will help to reduce this. It allows us to create more food than conventional methods of growing. In uncooperative conditions, it offers us with predictable yields. It allows a decline in food costs for the world economy.

What are the benefits of Green Revolution Class 12?

To enhance farm productivity green revolution increased the availability and use of fertilizers, weedicides, and pesticides to reduce any damage or loss to the crops. It also helped in promoting commercial farming in the country with the introduction of machinery and technology like harvesters, drills, tractors, etc.

Was the green revolution successful?

Most small farms did in fact successfully adopt Green Revolution technologies, even if not always as quickly as larger-scale producers. Agricultural laborers benefited from more job opportunities, more uniform patterns of employment through the seasons, and better overall wages.

Who did the Green Revolution most benefit Brainly?

2. (ans) Rice and wheat were the most benefited crops from Green Revolution.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of green revolution?

What are 5 advantages and disadvantages of green revolution?

  • The amount of greenhouse gas emissions will help to reduce this.
  • It allows us to create more food than conventional methods of growing.
  • In uncooperative conditions, it offers us with predictable yields.
  • It allows a decline in food costs for the world economy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Green Revolution?

The Green Revolution is advantageous because it has enhanced yields, improved resistance of crops to diseases, expanded the export of cash crops and created massive job opportunities within the industrial and agricultural sectors. The disadvantages of the Green Revolution include the inability…

What are the objectives of Green Revolution?

The Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, with its package of improved seeds, farm technology, better irrigation and chemical fertilisers was highly successful at meeting its primary objective of increasing crop yields and augmenting aggregate food supplies. In Asia, where the Green Revolution package was the most widely adopted, food

What are the problems of Green Revolution?

List of the Disadvantages of the Green Revolution It created a lack of biodiversity in the global cropland structures. It can be wiped out with one devastating disease. You might not be familiar with Chatsworth House, but nearly every banana that you have ever eaten comes from a It reduces the quality of the soil used for growing crops.

What are the basic elements of Green Revolution?

Green Revolution techniques also heavily rely on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and defoliants and rely on machines , which as of 2014 rely on or are derived from crude oil, making agriculture increasingly reliant on crude oil extraction. Nov 20 2019

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