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Can you give me your number in French?
Votre numéro de téléphone?
How are phone numbers given and said in French?
Nowadays all numbers in France begin with a zero: 01 for Paris, 02 for the northwest and so on clockwise round the country. 06 are mobiles and 09 are internet lines. So that number would now be something like: zéro-trois ; quarante ; douze ; trente-quatre ; cinquante-six.
How do you say exchange numbers in French?
We would make it more simple by : “ça te dit qu’on échange nos numéros?”, without ” s’ “, or even “On échange nos numéros?” You could also use “On échange nos 06?”, if you want to exchange mobile phone numbers. In France “06” is for mobile numbers, especially in the context of chatting up.
How do you call a +33 number?
To call France, simply: Dial the international access code for your country: for North America, this is 011; for the UK and other European countries, dial 00. Dial country code: 33….How to Dial a French Telephone Number From Abroad.
Country Calling Code | International Call Prefix | Trunk Prefix |
33 | 00 | 0 |
Can we talk on WhatsApp in French?
If you’re using an Android phone, you might have the option to change WhatsApp’s language from within the app. Open WhatsApp. Tap More options > Settings > Chats > App Language.
Can you tell me your phone number?
Check Your Phone Settings On Android the most common path to finding your number is: Settings > About phone/device > Status/phone identity > Network.
How is the letter ç in the word Garçon pronounced?
A mark (¸) placed beneath the letter c, as in the spelling of the French word garçon, to indicate that the letter is to be pronounced (s). A hooklike mark put under c, as in some French words, to indicate that it is to be sounded as the voiceless palatal fricative (s), as in façade.
How do you write 15% in French?
15% = quinze pourcents / pour cent. Note that “pourcent” will change and agree with the number (if there is more than 1%, then “pourcent” will be written with an “s”). “Pour cent”, on the other side, will always be invariable.
What do you call a number in French?
Fun Facts About Numbers in French In French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, people don’t say “soixante-dix, quatre-vingts, quatre-vingt-dix”. They will instead follow the usual pattern as from 20 to 60 and use : Septante for 70 instead of Soixante-dix.
What are the numbers from 0 to 10 in French?
Starting from 0 to 10 1 zero 2 un 3 deux 4 trois 5 quatre 6 cinq 7 six 8 sept 9 huit 10 neuf
How are the last two digits of a number written in French?
If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un , 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Notice that in French there is no word for ‘and’ between the hundres and the tens/units, unlike in English, and that “a hundred” is just cent , not un cent .