What word has 3 pairs of letters?

What word has 3 pairs of letters?

Bookkeeper is the word with 3 pairs of consecutive letters.

What word has 4 sets of double letters in a row?

HUBBUBBUBBOO (a confused crying or yelling, OED) is the shortest word with four pairs sets of double letters, although the OED also shows PEEKEENEENEE as an English phonetic spelling in a citation for the word PICCANINNY [Stuart Kidd, Philip Bennett].

What are words with double letters called?

When two letters come together to make one sound, they are called a digraph. Some words end with -ck. These letters make just one sound, like in duck. Some words end with the double letters -ss, -ll, -ff, or -zz.

What word in English has 3 sets of double letters?

An old riddle asks, “Can you name a word with three consecutive double letters?” One possible answer is WOOLLEN – ‘double U, double O, double L, …’ A more satisfying solution is BOOKKEEPER (or BOOKKEEPING), the only common words with a consecutive triple double.

Is LL a Digraphs?

Ll/ll is a digraph that occurs in several languages.

What Digraphs mean?

: a drawing instrument combining a protractor and scale.

Is Book Keeping 2 words?

Bookkeeping is keeping track of a business’s financial transactions. The word bookkeeping comes from the sense of book that means “record” or “written document,” and it has the distinction of being one of very few words in English with three consecutive double letters.

Is there any words with 3 letters in a row?

The answer is not really, because the usual rules of English spelling outlaw triple letters. We put hyphens in words that contain three of the same letters in a row, so as to break the letters up, e.g. bee-eater, bell-like, cross-section, cross-subsidize, joss-stick, and shell-less.

What English word has 3 consecutive double letters?

Three Consecutive Double Letters. What English word has three consecutive double letters? “Bookkeeper” and “bookkeeping” and “sweet-toothed” have three consecutive sets of double letters. “Subbookkeeper” is the only word found in an English language dictionary with four pairs of double letters in a row.

Which words in English have three consecutive double letters?

Bookkeeper, bookkeeping, bookkeepers are three. There are other words that have hyphons in them that are considered by some to have three consecutive double letters. Some examples are deer-reeve, feed-door, and heel-footed . These words are not widely considered as having three consecutive double letters.

What words have two sets of double letters?

Feed, good, and kiss are 3 examples of words with double letters. Use the clues and fill in the blanks to find words with consecutive double letters. Remember, these words have 2 sets of double letters in a row! 1. A woodwind instrument that dates back to the mid 16th century. 2. A sweet treat that is sometimes made with nuts or raisins. 3.

What are some things with double letters?

AGLOO. Don’t have an I for IGLOO?

  • ALLEE. Instead of an ALLEY,use this double-double-lettered word meaning a tree-lined walkway.
  • BETTA. Rather than BETA,use that extra T to mean the freshwater fish.
  • FUGGY.
  • GHYLL.
  • GRAAL.
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