What is the advantages of a long coastline?

What is the advantages of a long coastline?

What are the advantages of a long coast line? maritime trade – allows India to trade most of the world countries. tourism – a long coastline is very well known for tourism e.g, TN,Kerala, Goa. low cost of imports and exports – through sea transport it’s cheaper than land.

What are the disadvantages of coastal development?

Coastal development can cause chronic sedimentation, sewage effluent, industrial discharge, changes waterflow and run off which can harmfully affect coral growth rates and metabolic activities as well as directly kill corals. The damage doesn’t end with the construction of tourist infrastructure.

What are the disadvantages of coastal plains?

The disadvantages associated with these coastal plains includes the wet and swampy plains which are subjected to the dangers of landslides. It can trap the terrestrial animals and humans to oceanic water.

What are the risks affecting coastlines?

Climate change is causing sea level rise, which is increasing the risk of flooding around the UK’s coastline. It is also increasing coastal erosion. Both of these hazards pose a risk to people and the environment.

How is the long coastline advantages to India explain?

(i) India has a large coastline on the Indian ocean. (ii) Its central location and long coastline enable many countries to pass through India’s pore during their sea route. (iii) Major ports on Eastern and Western Coast help in import and export of goods from India; developing its trade.

How is the long coastline of India advantages for us?

1.it has helped to established maritime contacts with country. 3. It helps in conducting sea trade with Africa, West Asia and European countries and building of more ports. The location at the confluence of Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea is also strategically important.

What are the disadvantages of coastal management?

Disadvantages Of Coastal Management

  • They are expensive.
  • The wall receives direct impact and this weakens the structure over time.
  • Waves scour the bases of the wall and they often need maintenance or re-development.
  • The availability of adequate drainage behind the wall is necessary.

Why is coastal development bad?

But these can have negative impacts on ecosystems, especially coral reefs. Coral reefs are under threat from coastal developments in many ways: we remove forests and plants, build piers over the reefs, destroy nesting sites, and tourists damage the reefs directly while snorkeling, boating, or diving.

What are the disadvantages of coastal shipping?

What are the disadvantages of coastal shipping?

  • Slow Speed: Ocean transportation is a more time-consuming mode and is ideal for those items which have a long lead time.
  • Risky: Since there is a high amount of time involvement from shipping to delivery, the risks associated with ocean shipping are higher.

What contributes to higher population density in areas along the coast?

Because of the economic benefits that accrue from access to ocean navigation, coastal fisheries, tourism and recreation, human settlements are often more concentrated in the coastal zone than elsewhere. Presently about 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast.

What threatens our coastlines globally?

Climate change – as the world warms (global warming), the polar ice caps are melting, which leads to a rise in sea level. This puts coastal areas under threat. Also, those who live directly on the coast are also in danger of landslides and the effects of coastal erosion.

What are the threats to coastal habitats?

Here are some suggested areas to write about: Litter problems on beaches as hundreds of people cannot be bothered to use bins. Pollution in seas caused by rubbish and oil from ships and sewage. Rock pool life destroyed with children killing creatures or not returning them to their habitat after they have had a look.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a large coastline?

Tom’s Geography Blog: Advantages and disadvantages of having a large coastline and large EEZ. Advantages and disadvantages of having a large coastline and large EEZ. 1. The country has more sea life. 2. Better fishing for fisherman and locals who love seafood.

Why is the long coastline of India advantageous?

India’s coastline is roughly 7,500 km with Arabian Sea on the West and Bay of Bengal in the East. Indian subcontinent lies in the Indian Ocean region. This geography provides India with huge advantages. Some of them are: Maritime Trade – This vast coastline and access to Indian Ocean allows India to trade with the most parts of the World.

What was the disadvantage of the south to the Union?

Long coastline of the South made the Union army take more time to travel down South, which made the North hard to capture the South. The South had many disadvantages, and had more than the Union. The disadvantages of the Confederacy included the inferior number of population and soldiers in the army, less factories and fewer railroad miles.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Confederacy?

The Confederacy had the homeland advantages. The advantages were having more knowledge on the land/terrain, which allows easier fight and advanced strategy, and psychological aspects that the soldiers will fight for their home, families etc. 3. Geography

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