What happens at a continental oceanic convergent boundary?

What happens at a continental oceanic convergent boundary?

When oceanic crust converges with continental crust, the denser oceanic plate plunges beneath the continental plate. This process, called subduction, occurs at the oceanic trenches. The subducting plate causes melting in the mantle above the plate. The magma rises and erupts, creating volcanoes.

What is an example of oceanic continental convergence?

Examples of ocean-continent convergent boundaries are subduction of the Nazca Plate under South America (which has created the Andes Mountains and the Peru Trench) and subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate under North America (creating the Cascade Range).

What forms at a continental oceanic convergent boundary?

What is an example of an oceanic continental boundary?

One example of this type of oceanic-continental convergent boundary is the Andes mountain range of western South America. A subduction zone is formed at a convergent plate boundary when one or both of the tectonic plates is composed of oceanic crust. …

What is oceanic to oceanic convergence?

An ocean-ocean convergent boundary occurs location where two oceanic plates come together and the denser plate sinks, or subducts, beneath the less dense plate, forming a deep ocean trench. Chains of volcanoes, called island arcs, form over subduction zone melting occurs where the subducting plate reenters the mantle.

What geological events are possible with the oceanic oceanic convergence?

When oceanic- oceanic convergence take place, big events like volcanic activities, earthquakes, trenches and valleys forms. Some examples of oceanic convergence are the Aleutian islands, the Mariana’s islands.

What is oceanic oceanic convergent boundary?

What happens when two oceanic plates converge?

When two oceanic plates converge, the denser plate will subduct under the plate that is less dense, creating a deep sea trench at the point of subduction.

What happens when two continental plates converge?

When two continental plates converge, neither can push the other beneath it. The result is a buckling effect at the point of collision. The earth is pushed up in both plates, but the most dramatic effect occurs in the middle.

What is oceanic continental divergent?

Divergent boundaries are typified in the oceanic lithosphere by the rifts of the oceanic ridge system, including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise , and in the continental lithosphere by rift valleys such as the famous East African Great Rift Valley .

What is oceanic continental convergence?

Oceanic-continental convergence occurs where an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate and subducts under it. An oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary occurs when one oceanic plate becomes subducted under another, resulting in the creation of a deep oceanic trench.

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