Why do sharks live in the sunlight zone?

Why do sharks live in the sunlight zone?

This is the only zone that has enough light for photosynthesis. Therefore this is the only zone that has plants. Some organisms in the Sunlight Zone are sharks. They range from 7 inches long to 50 feet long and most sharks have streamlined bodies that can help them easily go through the water.

Do blue whales live in the sunlight zone?

Because sunlight allows photosynthesis, the Sunlit Zone contains vast underwater forests of kelp, grasses and seaweeds. Blue whales, the largest animals to ever live, cruise slowly through the Sunlit Zone, eating as much as 8,000 lbs (3,628 kg) of tiny krill per day.

Why do stingrays live in the sunlight zone?

In addition to plants, most marine animals live in the sunlight zone. There is a lot of available food, so more animals can survive. Often, animals in this layer are colorful. Sea turtles and stingrays also live in this layer.

Why there are more living things in the sunlight zone?

Sunlit Zone: This is the top layer, nearest the surface. It is also called the euphotic zone. Here there is enough light penetrating the water to support photosynthesis. Because photosynthesis occurs here, more than 90 percent of all marine life lives in the sunlit zone.

What zone does a seahorse live in?

Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate salt water throughout the world, from about 45°S to 45°N. They live in sheltered areas such as seagrass beds, estuaries, coral reefs, and mangroves. Four species are found in Pacific waters from North America to South America.

What zone do stingrays live in?

Stingrays are mostly found in marine habitats around the world; however, there are a few freshwater species. The ideal stingray environments are benthic zones with sandy or muddy bottoms, seagrass beds and reefs. The benthic zone is the lowest section of water and includes the upper sediment layers of the ocean floor.

What do animals in the sunlight zone eat?

That means that they live up in the sunlit shallows. They take the sun’s “food” and turn it into a form that animals in the ocean can eat – themselves. Some of the animals that eat them are giants like filter feeding whales, but most are tiny zooplankton (animal plankton).

What zone does the seahorse live in?

What kind of animals live in the midnight zone?

The midnight zone is home to many different animals including the: Anglerfish, Octopuses, Vampire Squids, Eels, and Jellyfish. It is the third layer down from the top of the ocean. It is mostly dark and very cold in the midnight zone, just like the Abyssal zone we learned about yesterday.

Do jellyfish live in the sunlight zone?

The sunlit zone is home to a wide variety of marine species because plants can grow there and water temperatures are relatively warm. Lots of marine animals can be found in the sunlit zone including sharks, tuna, mackerel, jellyfish, sea turtles, seals and sea lions and stingrays.

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