Who was King Leonidas a descendant of?

Who was King Leonidas a descendant of?

Historians believe that he was born around 540 BC and the he was son of King Anaxandrias II of Sparta, a descendant of Hercules, according to the myth. Leonidas was married to Gorgo and had a son. He must have succeeded his half-brother to the throne at around 488 BC, till his death in 480 BC.

What did Alexander learn under Leonidas?

Alexander received his earliest education under the tutelage of his relative, the stern Leonidas of Epirus. Leonidas, who had been hired by King Phillip to teach Alexander math, horsemanship and archery, struggled to control his rebellious student. Alexander particularly delighted in impersonating the warrior Achilles.

Is 300 based on Alexander the Great?

Frank Miller’s ‘300’ Sequel Will Twist Military History’s Greatest Figure. This April, Miller returns to his mega-popular historical fanfic to tell the story of the Persian king Xerxes and his war against Alexander the Great, a fight that never happened in real life, because both men lived and died a century apart.

Who was Leonidas son?

Leonidas I/Sons
Pleistarchus was born as a prince, likely the only son of King Leonidas I and Queen Gorgo. His grandparents were Kings Anaxandridas II and Cleomenes I. He was born from an avunculate marriage – his parents were uncle and niece.

Is Bayek related to Leonidas?

Through his granddaughter, Leonidas is also an ancestor of Aya of Alexandria, who, along with her husband, the Medjay Bayek of Siwa, would go on to found the Hidden Ones, the forerunners of the Assassins.

Who is the father of Alexander the Great?

Philip II of Macedon
Alexander the Great/Fathers

Alexander III was born in Pella, Macedonia, in 356 B.C. to King Philip II and Queen Olympias—although legend had it his father was none other than Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods.

Who was Leonidas father?

Anaxandridas II
Leonidas I/Fathers

Who was Leonidas granddaughter?

misthios Kassandra
A direct descendant of the Isu, Leonidas possessed a proportionally-higher level of Isu genes than usual; consequently, so did his descendants. He also wielded an Isu spear, which was later passed down to his daughter Myrrine, and then his granddaughter, the misthios Kassandra.

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