What does pilau mean in Hawaiian?

What does pilau mean in Hawaiian?

pilau — Pukui-Elbert, Haw to Eng , nvs. Rot, stench, rottenness; to stink; putrid, spoiled, rotten, foul, decomposed.

What does Nui mean?

plentiful, great, lots.

What is a Lolo in Hawaii?

LOLO (lō-lō) A Hawaiian language word meaning dumb, goofy or crazy. “Did you hear what he said? That guy’s lolo.”

What does Raja mean in Hawaiian?

(rajah / rajah dat) Definition: roger; concur; in agreement. Used In A Sentence: Ikaika: Ho Randall.

What does choke mean in Hawaii?

a lot
Choke. Another local slang word you may encounter in Hawaii is choke, meaning a lot. You might use it in a sentence along the lines of “there was choke chicken katsu at the potluck yesterday.”

What does Chee mean in Hawaiian?

Chee comes from the word Cheehoo, a Hawaiian slang originating from the Samoa culture. It is a term that is often used around family and friends in a positive light. “Cheehoo!” is exclaimed when you are celebrating or if something is exciting. The term is most similar to terms like woohoo, yee-haw, or wahoo.

What does okole mean in Hawaiian?

1. n., Anus, buttocks (less polite than lemu). Examples: ʻŌkole maluna, Hawaiian translation of English toast “bottoms up” [this expression is condemned by older Hawaiians as vulgar and indecent because of the sacredness of the human body in, old belief].

What does Aloha Nui mean in Hawaiian?

very much love, lots of love.

What does a rajah do?

a king or prince in India. a minor chief or dignitary. an honorary title conferred on Hindus in India. a title of rulers, princes, or chiefs in Java, Borneo, etc.

Is there a way to translate English to Hawaiian?

English to Hawaiian Translation Service can translate from English to Hawaiian language. Additionally, it can also translate English into over 100 other languages Decided to travel the world? You would definitely need the ability to communicate in foreign languages to understand the mind and context of that other culture.

What do they say at the airport in Hawaii?

At the airport, someone will say Aloha (hello) to you, then, you will hop on a wikiwiki (quick) bus to get to the main terminal where you may purchase a lei (flower garland). One way to better experience this rich culture, and to keep the “Aloha Spirit” alive, is by learning some of the language.

Is there a Kahak O in the Hawaiian language?

Hawaii English Dictionary. In the Hawaiian language, the ‘Okina is an official consonant. An ‘Okina will never be the last letter in a word, will appear in front of a vowel but never before a consonant. The Kahak ō: In the Hawaiian language, the Kahak ō is a stress mark or “macron” that appears only over vowels.

How did Captain Cook learn to speak Hawaiian?

In order to speak Hawaiian, it is helpful to understand the alphabet first. When Captain Cook first arrived in the Hawaiian islands in 1778, he discovered that the Hawaiians had no written version of their language. In 1820, western missionaries began to develop and standardize a written version of the language.

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