Which is correct spelled?

Which is correct spelled?

It’s true; the American English past tense form is spelled. In other varieties of English, both spelled and spelt are common. So, if you’re in the United States, you would probably write it like this: The past tense of the verb “spell” can be spelled in two ways.

Why do Brits pronounce lieutenant with an F?

The Oxford English Dictionary states the pronunciation is “difficult to explain,” but suggests the old French word originally had a “w” sound at the end of the first syllable, and that eventually got confused with an “f” or a “v” and created the British way of saying the word.

Is it organize or Organise in UK?

Usage. American spelling avoids -ise endings in words like organize, realize and recognize. British spelling mostly uses -ise (organise, realise, recognise), though -ize is sometimes used.

Which is correct earned or earnt?

Grammar: earned or earnt? In modern-day usage the only accepted spelling is earned in all forms of English, even if you say it as “earnt”. For Americans, accustomed to learned, smelled and dreamed as their only options, this little conumdrum is never a problem.

Why does Ichabod Crane say leftenant?

So, when Ichabod Crane says leftenant instead of lieutenant, the simple answer is, it’s the British pronunciation.

Is Organisation Spelt with AS or Z?

OrganiSation or OrganiZation – the great Atlantic debate Organisation or Organization – So which is correct? Both, with z being the preferred according to the dictionaries in both the US & UK.

Is Earned past tense?

The past participle of earn is earned. It is also its past tense.

Is earnt proper grammar?

According to the Wiktionary, “earnt” is correct but not common: This is an uncommon (<0.5% as common as earned in the British National Corpus) but entirely acceptable alternative form of the simple past and past participle earned.

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