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What does the word Merle mean?
Merle is a given name used by both men and women. The name is a variant of Merrill or Muriel, influenced by the French word merle meaning blackbird (from the Latin merula).
What defines a Merle dog?
1 : a coat color pattern of some dogs (such as the border collie, dachshund, and Great Dane) that consists of a typically bluish- or reddish-gray mixed with splotches of black or reddish- brown and that occurs as a result of the lightening or dilution of the normal base coat color so that only dark patches of normal …
What does it mean to dapple?
transitive verb. : to mark with dapples. intransitive verb. : to produce a dappled pattern sun dappling through trees.
What color is MURL?
a bluish gray color mottled with black. being the color merle.
Is my dog merle?
Merle is a genetic pattern that can be in a dog’s coat. Merle comes in different colors and patterns and can affect all coat colors. The merle gene creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat, blue or odd-colored eyes, and can affect skin pigment as well.
What color dogs make a merle?
Merle is a coat pattern found in Australian Shepherds, Collies, Shelties, and a number of other dog breeds. This particular phenotype is inherited as an autosomal, incompletely dominant trait. The merle gene creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat, blue or odd-colored eyes, and affects skin pigment.
Why are merle dogs more expensive?
Why are merle dogs so expensive? In a nutshell, merle dogs are expensive because puppy buyers are willing to pay a lot of money for them. The pattern is very sought-after, and the more demand there is, the higher breeders can set their prices. In addition, merle breedings can be quite rare in some breeds.
What Colour is Dapple?
Dapple gray is an intermediate step of the coat turning gray in horses. It is an attractive coloration characterized by a dark-haired coat with dapples (dark rings containing light hairs on the inside) scattered all over the body. To people unfamiliar with horses, a gray coat may look like white.
Is dapple a real word?
To dapple is to dot with blotches of color or light, the way sunlight dapples the leaves of trees in the summertime. Sometimes animal fur or skin is described as dappled, or a color such as dapple-gray, an adjective which—strangely enough—was originally apple-gray.
How do you spell Merel?
One is called Céleste, a French name, the other, Merel. I have never heard their names pronounced out loud, like on a video….Pronounce Names.
Submitted from: | The Netherlands |
Origin: | Latin from the word Merula, in French it is Merle |
Meaning: | Dutch birds name. Merel is the Dutch name for a blackbird. |