What is a word for a group?

What is a word for a group?

Words related to group association, band, body, class, club, company, crowd, faction, gang, organization, party, society, troop, arrange, gather, meet, organize, categorize, accumulation, aggregation.

What is the antonym of group?

group. Antonyms: isolation, individual, crowd, confusion, medley. Synonyms: cluster, bunch, knot, assemblage, collocation, class, collection, clump, order, assembly.

What is a synonym for group of people?

Some common synonyms of crowd are crush, horde, mob, and throng. While all these words mean “an assembled multitude,” crowd implies a close gathering and pressing together.

Which one is the best definition of group?

A group is a collection of individuals who have relations to one another that make them interdependent to some significant degree. As so defined, the term group refers to a class of social entities having in common the property of interdependence among their constituent members.

What is a group of groups called?

Wiktionary defines supergroup as: Any group composed of other groups (in any of several contexts)

What word means a group of similar things?

constellation. noun. formal a group of people or things that are similar or related.

Why is a group called a group?

The concept of a group arose from the study of polynomial equations, starting with Évariste Galois in the 1830s, who introduced the term of group (groupe, in French) for the symmetry group of the roots of an equation, now called a Galois group.

How will you describe a group?

A group is a collection of people with some common characteristics or purpose. A group can consist of any number of people. People in groups interact, engage and identify with each other, often at regular or pre-determined times and places.

What is the meaning of in groups?

1 : a group with which one feels a sense of solidarity or community of interests — compare out-group.

What word means to group together?

To accumulate or gather together into a single mass or collection. collect. accumulate. amass. heap.

Which is the closest definition of the word near?

closely related or connected: our nearest relatives. close to an original: a near translation. closely affecting one’s interests or feelings: a matter of near consequence to one. intimate or familiar: a near friend. narrow or close: a near escape.

What is the meaning of the word group?

The term group has a broad meaning. It refers to a number of people who are connected by some shared activity, interest, or quality. Group can also refer to a number of people or things that are together or in the same place.

Which element is not a main-group element?

Traditionally, the d-block elements have not been considered to be main group elements. In other words, the transition metals in the middle of the periodic table and the lanthanides and actinides below the main body of the table are not main group elements. Some scientists do not include hydrogen as a main group element.

Is the center of G always a normal subgroup?

Furthermore, the center of G is always a normal subgroup of G. Since all elements of Z(G) commute, it is closed under conjugation. Conjugacy classes and centralizers. By definition, the center is the set of elements for which the conjugacy class of each element is the element itself; i.e., Cl(g) = {g}.

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