How do I get rid of my annoying cousin?

How do I get rid of my annoying cousin?

How do you deal with an annoying cousin?

  1. Be prepared. Forewarned is forearmed.
  2. Use your strengths.
  3. Ask them to stop.
  4. Limit your interactions with certain people.
  5. Accept them for who they are.
  6. Avoid certain topics.
  7. Choose your battles.
  8. You can’t control what others do/say, only how you react.

How do you deal with rude cousins?

The most you can do is walk away and ignore them. You could also stand up for yourself, or even tell your parents or other relatives about their behavior and let them intervene on your behalf. What should I do if my cousin is making fun of my friends? Tell them what they’re doing is wrong and rude and ask them to stop.

How do you get your cousin to respect you?

Be respectful and flexible. Make your cousin feel comfortable and relaxed when you are talking or spending time together. Being respectful of them and flexible in your own behavior will help gain their trust and get them to like you more. Your cousin may have different beliefs and values than you.

How can I be more annoying?

Talk loudly to be disruptive to other people. Raise your voice until you’re nearly shouting while you’re having a regular conversation with someone. If they ask you to quiet down, pretend that you didn’t hear them and keep talking loudly. Ask “What?” after everything they say to act like you can’t hear them at all.

What signs are there if your cousin likes you?

Here are the signs someone has a crush on you, according to Reddit users.

  • They Want To Be Near You, Always.
  • They Make Excuses To Touch You.
  • They Bring You Extra Food.
  • They Make You Aware Of Their Presence.
  • They Look At You.
  • They Laugh At Everything You Say.
  • They Give You More Personal Attention.

How do you annoy a girl at school?

9 Sure-fire Ways to Annoy a Teenage Girl

  1. Assume You Know Everything About Her. She is very complex.
  2. Reorganize Her Stuff Without Asking.
  3. Comment on Her Looks Excessively.
  4. Don’t Reply to Her Messages.
  5. Call Her Hormonal.
  6. Call Her a Term of Endearment.
  7. Grow an Adolescent Mustache.
  8. Wear Clashing Patterns.

What is the most annoying thing to say?

The 12 Most Annoying Things To Say To Someone Who’s Already…

  1. “As soon as you calm down, we can talk.”
  2. “Don’t be mad when I tell you this…”
  3. “If you raise your voice, we can’t have a conversation”.
  4. “Is everything okay?”
  5. “You need to learn to control yourself”.
  6. “Ah, you can’t be bugged by such a little thing!”

What to do when your cousin does something you don’t like?

Be quiet when your cousin starts doing something you don’t like. When your cousin is doing something that bugs you, do not instantly react to them. It does not mean that you are weak if you do stay quiet, you are actually being acting bigger because you can.

How to build a relationship with your cousin?

Talking to your cousin as often as your schedules permit will build your relationship significantly. By keeping your conversations positive and light, you will laugh often and strengthen your relationship even more. Social media has made it easier to stay in contact with cousins.

Is it possible to change your cousin’s behavior?

It’s not possible to change your cousin, but you can change how you react to them and make being around your cousin more bearable. In time, you might find that you don’t notice their behavior much at all.

What should I do if my cousin threatens me?

If your cousin keeps doing what they’re doing even after you ask them to stop, you might need to bring an adult into the situation. Try telling a parent or guarding what’s going on and ask for their help. This is especially important to do if your cousin is physically hurting or threatening you.

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