How do you find out what your draft number was?

How do you find out what your draft number was?

Your number will only be in the Selective Service’s online database if you were born on or after January 1, 1960. If you were born before that date, call 1-847-688-6888 and follow the prompts or speak with a customer service representative to obtain your number. Navigate to the Selective Service System’s website.

What was my draft number born in 1953?

The first men born in 1953 to be drafted will be those whose birthday is March 6. They drew No. 1. Oddly enough, men born on March 7 were assigned No.

What number did they get to in Vietnam draft?

Draft age men were assigned a number between 1 and 366, depending on their birthday. The lowest numbers were called first. This was all entirely at random. Of course, that didn’t stop some of those who were called to service from further avoiding Selective Service.

What birthdays were called during the Vietnam draft?

On December 1, 1969, the Selective Service System of the United States conducted two lotteries to determine the order of call to military service in the Vietnam War in the year 1970, for men born from January 1, 1944 to December 31, 1950.

When were the last draftees sent to Vietnam?

June 30, 1973
Lottery Drawings The last draft call was on December 7, 1972, and the authority to induct expired on June 30, 1973.

How do I know if I am registered for Selective Service?

Go to and click on Check Registration. Click on Verify Now. Enter your information in the Online Registration Search grid.

Who was exempt from the draft during the Vietnam War?

Be a Conscientious Objector You can still be awesome as a CO, by the way. Clergymen and missionaries were also exempt from the draft, which is how Mitt Romney deferred while spending two years in France as a Mormon missionary.

Who was drafted for the Vietnam War?

Two-thirds of the U.S. military who served in the Vietnam War — and more than half of the names on The Wall — volunteered for duty. The other one-third were drafted, primarily into the Army.

How long did you have to serve in Vietnam if you were drafted?

The majority of service members deployed to South Vietnam were volunteers, even though hundreds of thousands of men opted to join the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard (for three or four year terms of enlistment) before they could be drafted, serve for two years, and have no choice over their military occupational …

What was the first birthday called in the draft?

The first birth date drawn that night, assigned the lowest number, “001,” was September 14.

What was the last draft number called Vietnam War?

The APN (highest number) called for a physical was 215 for tables 1970 through 1976. The last draft call was on December 7, 1972, and the authority to induct expired on June 30, 1973.

Did the Air Force draft during Vietnam?

For the most part, Air Force recruiters met their quotas without difficulty through the Vietnam War, although as many as half of the Air Force’s enlistments were induced by pressures of the draft. The Army, though, would have more difficulty with an AVF than the other services.

When was the last draft lottery number called?

The APN (highest number) called for a physical was 215 for tables 1970 through 1976. The last draft call was on December 7, 1972, and the authority to induct expired on June 30, 1973. The date of the last drawing for the lottery was on March 12, 1975.

What was the lottery number for the draft in 1976?

The highest number called was 95. lottery_1975.txt, lottery numbers to be used for the draft in 1975, for men born in 1955. The highest number called was 95. lottery_1976.txt, lottery numbers to be used for the draft in 1976, for men born in 1956. The highest number called was 95.

What was the highest lottery number for the Vietnam draft?

N71 gives the results of the lottery held on August 5, 1971, for men born in 1952. The highest lottery number called for this group was 95; all men assigned that lottery number or any lower number, and who were classified as available for military service, were called to report for possible induction.

When was the first Selective Service Lottery number drawn?

The first capsule – drawn by Congressman Alexander Pirnie (R-NY) of the House Armed Services Committee – contained the date September 14, so all men born on September 14 in any year between 1944 and 1950 were assigned lottery number 1. The drawing continued until all days of the year had been paired with sequence numbers.

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