What is the formula of belief?

What is the formula of belief?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for FORMULA OF BELIEF [credo]

What word means statement of beliefs?

Definition of credo statement of the beliefs, principles, or aims which guide the actions of a person or organisation.

What is a synonym for set of beliefs?

A set of beliefs or a way of doing, or thinking about, something. paradigm. mindset. worldview. framework.

Which word means belief or principle?

premise. (also premiss), presumption, presupposition, supposition.

What is a leaf of a book called?

Very generally, “leaves” refers to the pages of a book, as in the common phrase, “loose-leaf pages.” A leaf is a single sheet bound in a book, and a leaf has two pages. The first page that you read on a leaf is the recto page, and you turn it over to read the verso page.

What’s another word for strong belief?

What is another word for strong belief?

firm belief adamant belief
dogged belief persistent belief
resolute belief steadfast belief
tireless belief unassailable belief
unfaltering belief unflagging belief

What is a stronger word for Believe?

What is another word for believe?

think suppose
presume reckon
fancy surmise
deem imagine
feel judge

What does a set of beliefs mean?

belief system
countable noun [oft with poss] The belief system of a person or society is the set of beliefs that they have about what is right and wrong and what is true and false. the belief systems of various ethnic groups. ‘belief system’

What is the synonym of doctrine?

creed, credo, dogma, belief, set of beliefs, code of belief, conviction, teaching. tenet, maxim, article of faith, canon. principle, precept, notion, idea, ideology, theory, thesis.

What is flyleaf of book?

a blank leaf (or leaves) inserted during the binding process between the free end paper and the beginning or end of the printed pages.

What are 2 pages of a book called?

When you open a book anywhere, you’ll see two pages: a left-hand page and a right-hand page, which face each other. These two pages together are called a spread.

Are there any synonyms for the word belief?

Some common synonyms of belief are credence, credit, and faith. While all these words mean “assent to the truth of something offered for acceptance,” belief may or may not imply certitude in the believer.

Which is the best legal definition of belief?

Legal Definition of belief. : a degree of conviction of the truth of something especially based on a consideration or examination of the evidence — compare knowledge, suspicion. Keep scrolling for more. Comments on belief.

Which is the best definition of the word confidence?

confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief. confidence; faith; trust: a child’s belief in his parents. a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief.

When do you use credit instead of belief?

While in some cases nearly identical to belief, credence suggests intellectual assent without implying anything about grounds for assent. When can credit be used instead of belief? Although the words credit and belief have much in common, credit may imply assent on grounds other than direct proof.

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