What is the difference between inner and outer bailey?

What is the difference between inner and outer bailey?

The bailey was an open area inside the castle complex that contained the domestic and other necessary buildings of castle life. The inner bailey was an area inside the main castle, while the outer bailey lay outside the central castle defences, and was therefore more vulnerable to attack.

What is a outer ward medieval castle?

An outer bailey or outer ward is the defended outer enclosure of a castle. These frequently contained a carriage house or a cavalier house, buildings that were not common in medieval castles.

What buildings were found in the inner ward?

What buildings were found in the inner ward? The inner ward has living quarters for the Lord and Lady, barracks, loo, Great Hall, storeroom and kitchen.

What is the purpose of a bailey?

The bailey was the center of domestic life within the castle and could contain a variety of buildings, including halls, kitchens, stores, stables, a chapel, barracks, and workshops.

What is the inside of a castle called?

Dongjon or keep – The inner stronghold of a castle, usually found in one of the towers. Drawbridge – A heavy timber platform built to span a moat between a gate house and surrounding land that could be raised when required to block an entrance.

What are the blocks on top of a castle called?

In architecture, a battlement is a structure on top of castle or fortress walls that protects from attack. Historically, battlements were usually narrow walls at the top of the outermost walls of a castle.

Where is the inner bailey on a castle?

The inner bailey or inner ward of a castle is the strongly fortified enclosure at the heart of a medieval castle. It is protected by the outer ward and, sometimes also a Zwinger, moats, a curtain wall and other outworks. Depending on topography it may also be called an upper bailey or upper ward.

What buildings are inside a castle?

Below are the main rooms found in medieval castles and large manor houses.

  • The Great Hall.
  • Bed Chambers.
  • Solars.
  • Bathrooms, Lavatories and Garderobes.
  • Kitchens, Pantries, Larders & Butteries.
  • Gatehouses and Guardrooms.
  • Chapels & Oratories.
  • Cabinets and Boudoirs.

What is inside the inner Bailey?

The inner bailey or inner ward of a castle is the strongly fortified enclosure at the heart of a medieval castle. The inner bailey enclosed the most important living quarters and defensive elements for the lord and his family, e.g. the great hall, the palas, the tower house and the keep or bergfried.

What’s inside castle walls?

It was a was a home for its lord, his family and his followers. Inside the castle walls there might have been a magnificent hall, comfortable chambers and a beautiful chapel. Most castles had a small private chapel near to the lords chambers. The walls were often painted and the windows made from stained glass.

What is the roof of a castle called?

3 Answers. It’s a battlement or crenellation. This consists of a parapet (a short wall on top of a roof) with cops or merlons (the solid parts) and crenels or embrasures (the parts you can look through or fire arrows through).

Where is the inner bailey in a castle?

Inner Ward – The open area in the center of a castle. Jamb – Side posts of arch, door, or window. Joggled – Keyed together by overlapping joints. Inner Ward or Inner Bailey: open area in the center of a castle.

What do you call the inner courtyard of a castle?

An inner courtyard of a castle, sometimes called a Basilica. Bailey. Fortifications, usually consisting of walls and small towers built in front of a gatehouse to provide additional protection to the gateway.

Which is the best description of a castle?

Large inner courtyard contained inside a castle, usually the ward located around the keep. Inner Ward. The central fortification in a castle, usually a tower or building strongly fortified in the inner ward that provides the defenders with a final defensive position, as well as providing living quarters.

Where are the fighting positions in a castle?

Fighting position on the top of the castle wall or tower. This includes the crenelated wall and the wall walk. Battlement. Stone protrusion from a building wall used to support main floor cross beams or other structures such as machicolations.

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