How long did it take Mae Jemison to become an astronaut?

How long did it take Mae Jemison to become an astronaut?

Jemison joined NASA’s astronaut corps in 1987 and was selected to serve for the STS-47 mission, during which she orbited the Earth for nearly eight days on September 12–20, 1992….

Mae Jemison
Space career
NASA astronaut
Time in space 7d 22h 30m
Selection 1987 NASA Group

What did Mae Jemison do to become an astronaut?

She was selected for NASA Astronaut Group 12, which was the first group chosen after the Challenger explosion. After being selected, Jemison trained with NASA and worked on projects at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory.

How old was Mae Jemison when she went to space?

Mae went to college when she was only sixteen. She studied hard and got two degrees. She became Dr. Mae Jemison. Dr. Jemison became an astronaut in 1987. She flew on the Space Shuttle in 1992. Dr. Jemison became the first African-American woman into space. Dr. Jemison is a great jazz dancer. She also likes the theater.

What did Mae Jemison do after the Challenger explosion?

She was selected for NASA Astronaut Group 12, which was the first group chosen after the Challenger explosion. After being selected, Jemison trained with NASA and worked on projects at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory.

What did Mae Jemison major in in college?

She later served as president of the Black Student Union and choreographed a performing arts production called Out of the Shadows about the African American experience. Jemison graduated in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts degree in African and African-American studies.

Who is Mae Jemison from Star Trek Next Generation?

Mae Jemison. She has appeared on television several times, including as an actress in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. She is a dancer and holds nine honorary doctorates in science, engineering, letters, and the humanities. She is the current principal of the 100 Year Starship organization.

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