What is an English jumble sale?

What is an English jumble sale?

A jumble sale, bring and buy sale (U.K, Australia) or rummage sale (U.S and Canada) is an event at which second hand goods are sold, usually by an institution such as a local Boys’ Brigade Company, Scout group, or church, as a fundraising or charitable effort.

What do they call garage sales in England?

jumble sales
In the greater part of the US, these are called rummage sales, although they may have other regional names. In the UK, they are jumble sales.

What are some other names for yard sale?

yard sale

  • jumble sale.
  • [British],
  • rummage sale.

Are garage sales legal in the UK?

Although you do not need permission from your local council when organising your own garage ‘yard’ sale, (unless you plan on having multiple sales throughout the year), it’s important to let neighbours know you are putting on your own sale to minimise any disruption.

When did jumble sales start?

Anglican jumble sales appear to have emerged in the late 1880s and been quickly integrated into the budgeting strategies of the poor.

Where can I find jumble sales?

And finally, a word of warning. If you are travelling a fair way to a jumble sale, try to call the charity or venue in advance….

  1. Google Alerts.
  2. Gumtree and other selling sites.
  3. Local Radio “What’s On” sections.
  4. Shop Windows & Noticeboards.
  5. Newspapers.

What is a boot sale in the UK?

Car boot sales or boot fairs are a form of market in which private individuals come together to sell household and garden goods. They are popular in the United Kingdom, where they are often referred to simply as ‘car boots’. The term “car boot sale” refers to the selling of items from a car’s boot.

What is an indoor yard sale called?

rummage sale nounsale of unwanted items.

What is another name for an estate sale?

What is another word for estate sale?

estate auction estate liquidation
sale of personal property tag sale

Do people have garage sales?

In NSW, garage sales are permitted. It is your responsibility to stay up to date with the latest advice in your area before you host or shop at a Second Hand Saturday garage sale.

How do you hold a garage sale UK?

Garage/yard sales

  1. Keep the inside of your home off-limits.
  2. Do not run the event on your own.
  3. Keep any money safe.
  4. Make sure valuable items are not easily accessible.

Are car boot sales a British thing?

What does it mean to have a jumble sale?

Jumble sale. A jumble sale, bring and buy sale (U.K, Australia, occasionally Canada) or rummage sale (U.S and Canada) is an event at which second hand goods are sold, usually by an institution such as a local Boys’ Brigade Company, Scout group, or church, as a fundraising or charitable effort.

What do Americans refer to as a tabletop sale?

The term “tabletop sale” is often used where the sale takes place indoors or where there are no cars. “Jumble sales” usually take place indoors and are fairly large affairs, run by a church, school, Scout troop etc. Then, we have “white elephant sales” or “bric-a-brac sales”, which usually don’t sell clothes, unlike jumble sales.

What do you call a rummage sale at a church?

A rummage sale by a church is called a church sale or white elephant sale, frequently as part of a church bazaar. Organisers will usually ask local people to donate goods, which are set out on tables in the same manner as at car boot sales, and sold to members of the general public, who may have to pay a fee to enter the sale.

What do Americans refer to as a yard sale?

Actually, not all of America calls it that. In the Northeast, at least (D.C area up to New England) it`s called a “yard sale”. I don`t know if the difference is because people from the Midwest, South, and West literally only sell stuff out of their garage, or if they just don`t know what a garage is, but there are multiple terms for the event.

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