What if Shrewpaw lived?

What if Shrewpaw lived?

If Shrewpaw had lived they would have become mates instead of her and Brambleclaw. This might have tipped Brambleclaw over the edge and he finally gave in to his fathers bloodthirsty greed for power.

How did Hollykit die?

During the destruction of the forest by Twolegs, prey became scarce and Ferncloud struggled to produce enough milk. After Larchkit’s death, Hollykit succumbed to starvation not long after. She ascended to StarClan and was watched over by her older brother, Shrewpaw.

Who is Shrewclaws mate?

Shrewclaw became mates with Ryestalk and she soon became pregnant with their two kits, Mudclaw and Tornear, before his death.

What happened to Spiderleg?

Spiderleg was a ThunderClan warrior under Firestar’s and Bramblestar’s leaderships in the lake territories. He was born to Dustpelt and Ferncloud as Spiderkit with his brother Shrewkit. Ultimately, Spiderleg succumbed to greencough and ascended to StarClan.

What is Shrewpaw warrior name?

Swiftpaw–Swiftpaw would have been named Swiftstorm, because he was such a promising young cat and his fight against the dogs was desperate and devastating, like a storm. Man his death was so depressing. And lastly… Crookedstar’s warrior name if he had not had his jaw injury.

Who is Birchfalls mentor?

Firestar performs the ceremony, renames him Birchpaw, and chooses Ashfur to be his mentor. Birchpaw is very enthusiastic about his new rank as he touches noses with his mentor. Whitepaw is happy she isn’t the only apprentice, and the two keep asking their mentors to work together.

Who killed Brackenwing?

After the tunnels are closed, Tallpaw reminds Shrewpaw that he killed Brackenwing.

Does Toadstep like Lionblaze?

Toadstep, with his sister, Rosepetal, and Lionblaze goes out hunting. He is very enthusiastic and tries to be just like Lionblaze, as Lionblaze is like a role-model to him.

How did Shrewpaw die on the Thunderpath?

When Twolegs began their destruction of the forest and making prey scarce, Shrewpaw died on the Thunderpath trying to catch a pheasant for his starving Clan. He joined StarClan and watched over his younger siblings.

What kind of Tom is Shrewpaw in Pokemon FireRed?

Shrewpaw is a small dark brown tom with amber eyes and a narrow muzzle. Shrewpaw was a ThunderClan apprentice under Firestar’s leadership in the forest territories. He was born as Shrewkit to Dustpelt and Ferncloud alongside his brother, Spiderkit.

What kind of animal is Shrewpaw in ThunderClan?

Shrewpaw is a small dark brown tom with amber eyes and a narrow muzzle. Shrewpaw was a ThunderClan apprentice under Firestar’s leadership in the forest territories. He was born as Shrewkit to Dustpelt and Ferncloud alongside his brother, Spiderkit. As an apprentice, Shrewpaw was mentored by Thornclaw and befriended Squirrelpaw and Whitepaw.

Who is Shrewpaw in power of three arc?

Shrewpaw, an apprentice of ShadowClan, who appears in the Power of Three arc, and later becomes Shrewfoot? Shrewpaw, an apprentice of WindClan, who appears in Tallstar’s Revenge, and later becomes Shrewclaw? Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

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