What is UCT Vula?

What is UCT Vula?

Vula is the University of Cape Town’s online collaboration and learning system. It is used to support UCT courses, promote networking for other UCT-related groups and societies. As a registered student, access your sites by logging into the system using your network username and password.

How do I delete my Vula website?

To remove a site from your top bar (remove favourite), click the star next to the site name. It will appear as gray. 4. Once you leave the ‘Sites’ menu, Vula will ask you to ‘Reload to see your updated favorite sites’.

Does Vula use data?

This means UCT’s academic programme for Term 2 and Term 3 will be online using our learning management system, Vula. Course resources will be in low-tech format to use as little data as possible.

What LMS does UCT use?

At the University of Cape Town, Sakai (branded ‘Vula’ locally) is the major LMS used, and all the respondents from UCT used Vula.

How do you use a Vula UCT?

How do I access Vula? Go to vula.uct.ac.za and select “UCT Login” where you‟ll enter your student number and network password.

How do you use a Vula?

How do you add a participant to a Vula?

Adding members

  1. To add members to a group, type usernames into the search box (the system will search site participants to find a match) and/or you can paste a list of usernames into the box provided.
  2. Select Add the users listed above to this group.
  3. Click Update.

How do I submit to Turnitin UCT?

You will need to add an attachment (your document for Turnitin) o Click add attachments o Click browse ▪ A new window will open up allowing you to select the document ▪ Find your file and click Open 11. You will return to the Vula page 12. Tick the plagiarism box found under the declaration 13. Click submit 14.

What is Vula app?


How do I make a Vula website?

Log in to Vula at http://vula.uct.ac.za. Alternatively, in the ‘Home’ tab, choose ‘Worksite Setup’ in the left-side menu and click the ‘New’ tab.

Why is my Turnitin so high?

A high percentage could mean that you are in presence of a serious case of plagiarism or it could also be due to another reason: sometimes it can happen that the same document is uploaded on the database more than once (i.e. a thesis draft and the final version of the same thesis).

When did the Vula mobile app come out?

The application has been officially launched and available for users since July 2014. William is specialised in ophthalmology, Vula Mobile originally had only the ophthalmology speciality for referrals. But as time passed, and with the return of the users, 11 other specialities will be added.

How does Vula vision by hearX Group work?

Developed by Vula Mobile, the app calculates the visual acuity and highlights any decrease in distance vision at the end of the screening. The Vula Vision screening can easily be added to a user’s hearX clinical solution test battery and is integrated with the hearX mHealth Studio data management and reporting platform.

What do you need to know about Vula vision?

Vula Vision is a hardware and software solution, annual software packages are based on volume usage. View the Vula Vision FAQ’s here.

What are the specialities of Vula mobile app?

William is specialised in ophthalmology, Vula Mobile originally had only the ophthalmology speciality for referrals. But as time passed, and with the return of the users, 11 other specialities will be added. Other specialities are also being added at the moment.

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