What is a sentence for subdued?

What is a sentence for subdued?

1. Richard seems very subdued tonight. 2. He seemed a bit subdued to me.

What does it mean to subdue yourself?

1 to establish ascendancy over by force. 2 to overcome and bring under control, as by intimidation or persuasion. 3 to hold in check or repress (feelings, emotions, etc.)

What does a subdued person mean?

Someone who is subdued is very quiet, often because they are sad or worried about something. He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood. Synonyms: quiet, serious, sober, sad More Synonyms of subdued.

What is the best synonym for subdue?


  • conquer.
  • crush.
  • extinguish.
  • humble.
  • overcome.
  • overpower.
  • quell.
  • repress.

What happens when you subdue something?

To subdue is defined as to gain control over someone or something or to calm or quiet someone or something. An example of subdue is when you manage to calm angry protestors and gain control over the situation.

What is the noun of subdue?

subdual. An act of subduing; a successful defeat.

Is Subduement a word?

Definition of ‘subduement’

What does feeling subdued mean?

adjective. Someone who is subdued is very quiet, often because they are sad or worried about something. He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood. The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song. Synonyms: quiet, serious, sober, sad More Synonyms of subdued.

What is the opposite of subdue?

subdue. Antonyms: aggrandize, exalt, fortify, strengthen, empower, liberate, enfranchise. Synonyms: conquer, reduce, overpower, break, tame, quell, vanquish, master, subjugate.

What part of speech is subdue?

verb (used with object), sub·dued, sub·du·ing. to conquer and bring into subjection: Rome subdued Gaul.

Is Subdued an American company?

About Us. Subdued is a brand for fun-loving,strong and independent teenagers. Teens, their universe and lifestyle are what inspire our designs. Founded in the 90’s in Italy, we have always aimed to bring something special to each piece of clothing making it unique and different from the mainstream.

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