How did an apple lead to the Trojan War?

How did an apple lead to the Trojan War?

Discordianism. The contemporary religion Discordianism draws upon the Golden Apple of the goddess Eris, also known as the “Apple of Discord”, which Eris used to set off the conflict among the goddesses of Olympus that led to the Trojan War because she was not invited to a party (the so-called “Original Snub”.

What really started the Trojan War?

According to classical sources, the war began after the abduction (or elopement) of Queen Helen of Sparta by the Trojan prince Paris. Helen’s jilted husband Menelaus convinced his brother Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, to lead an expedition to retrieve her.

What fruit started the Trojan War?

Many suppose that the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden was a quince. In Greek legend Helen of Troy bribed Paris to award a quince to Aphrodite as the prize in a beauty contest, starting the Trojan War.

Why was the Apple of Discord significant at the beginning of the Trojan War?

Its beauty caused a rivalry of three goddesses which acted as the trigger that started the Trojan War. The Apple of Discord was the object used by Eris to cause discord among the gods.

How did Aphrodite start Trojan War?

Aphrodite bribed Paris into declaring her the fairest of all the goddesses. She did so by promising him Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world. Aphrodite helped Paris take Helen away to Troy, leading to a war between the Greeks and Trojans.

Did Aphrodite started the Trojan War?

Aphrodite Starts a War In the world of The Iliad, Aphrodite is arguably the cause of the Trojan War, getting Paris to decree her the most beautiful immortal (beating out Hera and Athena) in exchange for the love of Helen, the most beautiful human.

When did the Trojan war begin?

Those who believe that the stories of the Trojan War are derived from a specific historical conflict usually date it to the 12th or 11th century BC, often preferring the dates given by Eratosthenes, 1194–1184 BC, which roughly correspond to archaeological evidence of a catastrophic burning of Troy VII, and the Late …

Why was the golden apple myth created?

The Golden Apple of Discord was created by Eris, the Goddess of Discord. They asked Zeus to decide who received the apple and he told them that Paris of Troy was to choose the fairest. Each of the goddesses offered him a gift for the apple.

Which evil goddess made the golden apple?

Eris (mythology)

Goddess of strife and discord
Eris on an Attic plate, ca. 575–525 BC
Abode Erebus
Symbol Golden Apple of Discord

What is the story of the apple of discord?

The Golden Apple of Discord was created by Eris, the Goddess of Discord. Zeus had thrown a wedding on Mount Olympus for Thetis the sea nymph and mortal Peleus. After Eris found out that she was not invited, she crashed the wedding and threw the apple inscribed with the word “kallisti” or “for the fairest”.

Did Venus cause the Trojan War?

Venus/Aphrodite was indirectly the cause of the Trojan War. He gave the golden apple of choice to Aphrodite and the goddess led him to Helen of Troy, the wife of Menelaus. Her abduction was the cause of the Trojan War.

Where did the story of the Trojan War come from?

Legend has it that the war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, after Eris, the goddess of strife and discord, gave them a golden apple, sometimes known as the Apple of Discord, marked “for the fairest”.

Why was the Golden Apple important to the Trojan War?

The Trojan War had a lot more purpose than just Paris abducting Helen of Sparta. It all began when Eris the Goddess of Discord discovered she was un-invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. She was so mad she decided to come anyway and threw the fruit of temptation, The Golden Apple. Three goddesses claimed the apple theirs.

What did the Greeks believe about the Golden Apple?

The Trojan War and The Golden Apple In the Ancient World many believed that the Greek gods were able to intervene in and control the daily affairs of citizens, both blessing men with prosperity and punishing them through wars.

Who are the goddesses that fought in the Trojan War?

Waged by an Achaean alliance against the city of Troy, the war originated from a quarrel between three goddesses (Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite) over a golden apple, thrown by the goddess of strife at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, and inscribed with the words “for the fairest.”

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