What happens to the mercury in a thermometer as it warms up?

What happens to the mercury in a thermometer as it warms up?

When heated, the molecules of the liquid in the thermometer move faster, causing them to get a little further apart. This results in movement up the thermometer. When cooled, the molecules of the liquid in the thermometer move slower, causing them to get a little closer together.

What happens when a mercury thermometer is placed in hot water?

It consists of a bulb containing mercury which is then attached to a narrow glass tube. As temperature rises, the level of mercury in the tube increases. This happens because the volume of mercury slightly increases with temperature.

Why does mercury rise when heated?

In a mercury thermometer, the level of mercury rises when its bulb comes in contact with a hot object because mercury expands when the temperature is increased and hence it rises in the capillary tube.

Does mercury contract when heated?

Mercury is uniquely suited for measuring temperatures. When heated or cooled, mercury expands or contracts at a rate that is more constant than most other substances. Also, it has a wide range of temperatures between its boiling and freezing points.

What will happen if a mercury thermometer is suddenly put in a hot water trough?

What happens when a thermometer bulb is placed in hot water? In a mercury thermometer, the level of mercury rises when its bulb comes in contact with a hot object because mercury expands when the temperature is increased and hence it rises in the capillary tube.

Why does mercury fall in a thermometer?

Mercury is the only one in liquid state at room temperature. It’s used in thermometers because it has high coefficient of expansion. It also has a high boiling point which makes it very suitable to measure higher temperatures. Also, it has a shiny appearance and doesn’t stick to the glass surface of glass.

When the temperature rises the mercury level in the thermometer?

Answer: The reason for rising of mercury is that it expands on heating, when we put the bulb of thermometer under our armpit the heat of our body is transfered to the bulb which is then transfered to mercury.

Does temperature affect mercury?

Temperatures on Mercury are extreme. During the day, temperatures on the surface can reach 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius). Because the planet has no atmosphere to retain that heat, nighttime temperatures on the surface can drop to minus 290 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 180 degrees Celsius).

Does mercury expand in a thermometer?

The mercury pools in the bulb, but when it heats up, it expands. Because it can’t expand through the bottom of the bulb, it is forced up the tube. That expansion, caused by the atoms flying around faster and taking up more space, is what makes the thermometer work.

Do mercury thermometers lose accuracy?

Mercury thermometers cannot be adjusted after calibration. The actual temperature must be calculated by applying corrections to the measured temperature. A digital thermometer does the math for you—the displayed temperature accurately represents the actual measured temperature.

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