When was the last time Miley Cyrus performed?

When was the last time Miley Cyrus performed?

Cyrus last appeared on Saturday Night Live in April 2020, when she performed the Pink Floyd classic, ‘Wish You Were Here’. She’s also taken on hosting duties on several occasions: 2011 with musical guests The Strokes, then again on double duty as host and performer in 2013 and 2015.

How much did Miley Cyrus make on Hannah Montana?

Her father is actor and country music singer Billy Ray Cyrus — who also served as her on-screen dad in the “Hannah Montana” series. The show made her famous, but it certainly didn’t make her rich, as she reportedly earned just $15,000 per episode.

What are all the songs Miley Cyrus has recorded?

She again collaborated with Armato and James during its production; together, they co-wrote “7 Things”, “Fly on the Wall”, “Bottom of the Ocean”, “Wake Up America”, and “Goodbye”. In 2009, Cyrus recorded and released the soundtrack albums Hannah Montana: The Movie and Hannah Montana 3, which were credited to Montana.

Who was Miley Cyrus fiance in the last song?

Though her relatively poorly reviewed 2010 film, The Last Song, still existed as part of the Disney family, Miley was able to take one more step away from her Hannah Montana past with what still amounted to a commercially successful Nicholas Sparks vehicle. Plus, the singer-actress would also meet Liam Hemsworth — Miley’s future fiance.

When did Miley Cyrus host Saturday Night Live?

On television, she was the host of the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards and has hosted Saturday Night Live three times since 2011. Cyrus has been featured as a coach on the singing competition television series The Voice; she has appeared in two seasons of the show since her debut in 2016.

When did Miley Cyrus leave her Hannah Montana image?

ET spoke to Miley about leaving behind her bubblegum Hannah Montana image at a 2009 book signing for her autobiography, Miles to Go, where she confessed her desire for “people to be able to relate to me a little bit more.” “I feel like I’m going to have so many different chapters of my life,” Miley shared.

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