What are the causes of moral laxity?

What are the causes of moral laxity?

Lack of moral instructions from schools is yet another factor that has contributed to the moral laxity of our youths. Some teachers have abandoned their role of imparting good moral training to students. They therefore blame parents solely for the undesirable attitudes that are exhibited by their students.

What is a moral laxity?

​the fact of not being strict, severe or careful enough about work, rules or standards of behaviour synonym slackness. the moral laxity of today’s society.

How does school affect moral development?

The way they feel toward peers, teachers, staff and leaders at school will affect their moral life. They feel guilty because teachers blame them if they fail. They start to develop negative behavioral traits. The relationships children develop in schools become critical to their positive development (Skinner, 1964).

Who is responsible for moral decadence in the society?

Youth are to be blamed for the moral decadence in our society.

What are the causes of moral decadence in the society?

The result of Table 2 reveals causes of moral decadence to include poor upbringing, emphasis on materialism, decline in religious training and moral laxity as major causes of moral decadence. However, respondents rejected factors like poverty, influence of western education and socio-economic status.

Are parents responsible for their children’s behavior debate?

Parents are largely responsible for their children’s behaviour. If parents meet their children’s emotional needs from babyhood, then the children are likely to have high self-esteem, to have developed a conscience and to be able to make satisfying relationships.

What do you mean by laxity?

: the quality or state of being loose a certain laxity of the bowels ligamentous laxity.

What is the synonyms of laxity?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for laxity, like: indifference, flaccidness, floppiness, indulgence, indecision, leniency, carelessness, laxness, negligence, remissness and slackness.

Why is moral education important in schools?

Moral education refers to the way a school helps its students learn virtues or moral habits that will make them better people outside of the four walls of their classroom. Such is the importance of morals not just to make students better people, but to also improve the way a community interacts with each other.

How do schools teach moral values?

It comprises some basic principles such as truthfulness, honesty, charity, hospitality, tolerance, love, kindness and sympathy. Moral education makes one perfect. Education is not aimed at obtaining only a degree, it includes necessary value based teachings which result in character building and social improvement too.

What is moral decadence in our society?

It means gross reduction in the moral values in a particular society. Thus, moral decadence appears to be a fall’ in the moral standard of the society. It seems to be deterioration or a collapse in upholding our societal values, beliefs, norms and ethical standards.

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