What is a good distance for discus throw?

What is a good distance for discus throw?

120 feet is the entry point to high-level discus throwing. If you are serious about getting to the next level with your throws, these are essential weight room numbers to hit. Always remember however that these numbers are averages. Some throwers may not get close to these numbers and be able to throw over 120 feet.

What is the average discus throw for a middle schooler?

1 kilograms discuses are common in middle school, but, again check with your state’s rules. The discus weighs the same for high school girls and college women, at 1 kilogram or just more than 2.2 pounds. High school boys in the United States use the 1.6 kilogram discus, which is just over 3.5 pounds.

What is the average discus throw for a 7th grade girl?

The top AA girls this year are throwing 42′, but mid 30’s are much more common. Going over 100′ in the discus will place in most invites.

How far can a high school boy throw a discus?

With that success in the circle, we have taken their training protocols, their results, and their weight room numbers and formulated what it takes (on average) to smash 150 feet as a high school male discus thrower.

How do you measure a discus throw?

Measuring: A prong, with the zero end of the measuring tape attached, is placed on the near edge of the imprint mark made by the discus. The tape measure is drawn tight through the centre of the throwing ring. The distance of the throw is measured at the point where the tape crosses the inner edge of the ring.

What is a good distance for a high school shot put throw?

“For a male, 60 feet is a heck of a throw, but 55 feet is a nice throw,” Wood said. “For women 50 feet is an excellent throw and anything above that is really good.” Senior Jason Jones uses the rotational technique, a style he says that is stressful on the body.

What is the longest discus throw ever?

74.08 m
Discus throw

Athletics Discus throw
German 2012 Olympic champion Robert Harting.
World records
Men Jürgen Schult ( GDR ) 74.08 m (243 ft 1⁄2 in) (1986)
Women Gabriele Reinsch ( GDR ) 76.80 m (251 ft 11 in) (1988)

What is a good discus throw for college?

Division 1 track and field recruiting standards

Event D1 Top D1 Low
Shot Put 66’3″ 52’6″
Discus 186’1″ 139’5″
Hammer 233’11” 139’6″
Javelin 230’6″ 187’9″

Is a discus throw measured in feet or meters?

The discus is thrown from a circle measuring 2.5 meters, or 8.2 feet, in diameter. The circle has a white rim 6 mm thick. Athletes may touch the inside of the rim only. The athlete must begin each attempt from a stationary position within the circle.

What do you need to know about discus throwing?

The thrower typically takes an initial stance facing away from the direction of the throw. He then spins anticlockwise (for right-handers) around one and a half times through the circle to build momentum, then releases his throw. The discus must land within a 34.92-degree sector.

How big is the discus for a 74 year old woman?

Women throw the 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) discus through to age 74. Starting with age 75, women throw the 0.75 kilograms (1.7 lb) discus. The typical discus has sides made of plastic, wood, fiberglass, carbon fiber or metal with a metal rim and a metal core to attain the weight.

Where did the sport of the discus originate?

The sport of throwing the discus traces back to it being an event in the original Olympic Games of Ancient Greece. The discus as a sport was resurrected in Magdeburg, Germany, by Christian Georg Kohlrausch and his students in the 1870s. Organized Men’s competition was resumed in the late 19th century,…

Who was the discus thrower in Greek mythology?

Culture. The discus throw also appears repeatedly in ancient Greek mythology, featured as a means of manslaughter in the cases of Hyacinth, Crocus, Phocus, and Acrisius, and as a named event in the funeral games of Patroclus .

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