Do you need a license to drive a 50CC moped in Indiana?

Do you need a license to drive a 50CC moped in Indiana?

DO YOU NEED A LICENSE TO DRIVE A 50CC SCOOTER IN INDIANA? Yes, engine displacement of 50CC is the level at which a motorized vehicle requires a license.

Do you need a license to drive a 49cc scooter Indiana?

Question: Who can drive a moped or scooter? Answer: Anyone who is at least 15 years old and has one of the following: A valid driver’s license, a valid driver’s permit or an unexpired state identification card with a motor driven cycle endorsement. DUI arrests do not prevent someone from using a scooter.

Are mopeds street legal in Indiana?

Indiana moped laws In Indiana, a moped or other small scooter with a motor of 50cc or less is considered a Class B motor driven cycle (MDC). You can’t drive your moped on highways or bike paths, nor can you have a passenger. Class B MDCs must be registered with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Can a 14 year old drive a moped in Indiana?

Any Indiana resident who is 15 years of age or older and has an identification card or driver’s License with an MDC – Class B endorsement, is eligible. An MDC – Class B endorsement is obtained by successfully completing the MDC – Class B endorsement written exam.

Can you ride a moped in Indiana without a license?

Moped operators must be atleast fifteen years old, and they must possess a Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) issued license or identifaction card. No motorcycle license is required to operate a moped. Everyone under the age of 18 is required to wear a helmet and eye protection while riding on a moped.

What happens if you get caught riding a moped without license?

What happens if you ride a motorcycle without a license? If you ride a motorcycle without the appropriate license, you run the risk of getting a hefty fine and getting the motorcycle impounded at your expense. In extreme cases, depending on why you don’t have a license, you could possibly serve time in jail.

Can I carry a passenger on a 50cc moped?

If you’re 16, then the simple answer is you can only ride a 50cc moped, restricted to 28 Mph. You don’t need to take a CBT as technically you can already ride a 50cc moped without L plates and carry a passenger.

What is needed to register a moped in Indiana?

Registering your moped with the State of Indiana is simple at any BMV branch. There is no insurance requirement to register a moped or Class B MDC in the state of Indiana. Operators only need to bring proof of ownership and the $19 fee to secure registration.

Can you drive a moped if banned from driving?

Banned From Driving. A driving ban covers all motor vehicles so you cannot drive a car, motorbike or moped during your disqualification period. If you need to travel, consider buying a bus pass or train travel card. You could also use your driving ban as an excuse to ride a bike more.

Can I take a passenger on a 50cc moped?

Can you drive a moped in Indiana without a license?

Traditionally, those with a suspended driver’s license have felt safe commuting on mopeds because Indiana law has provided a “carve-out,” allowing people without a license, or those with a suspended license, to drive a “motorized bicycle,” which Indiana law defines as a vehicle that complies the with following requirements:

What are electric scooter laws?

Electric Scooter Laws in California. California Electric Scooter Law Summary: A driver’s license or learners permit is required to drive an electric scooter. No insurance, registration or license plates are required. Driver must wear a bicycle helmet. Drive shall not operate motorized scooter in excesses of 15 mph.

What are the Indiana laws for motorcyclists?

Helmets must be worn by any riders under 18 and those with instructional permits.

  • Eye protection must be used by any riders under 18.
  • Proper passenger seat and footrest required for any instance of carrying a passenger.
  • Rearview mirror,speedometer,and electric or mechanical turn signals required.
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