Can you get back into the military after an OTH discharge?

Can you get back into the military after an OTH discharge?

Other-Than-Honorable Conditions Discharge In most cases, veterans who receive an other-than-honorable discharge cannot re-enlist in the Armed Forces or reserves, except under very rare circumstances. Veterans benefits are not usually available to those discharged through this type of discharge.

What happens if you go AWOL in AIT?

If you go over 30 days you will be treated as a deserter, and could be subject to court martial. If you come back prior you will definitely receive an Article 15 either Company or Field Grade. Discharge is up to the command, and if you stay you will start AIT all over.

Can you get a dishonorable discharge for going AWOL?

For instance, being AWOL for less than three days can result in a maximum penalty of confinement for one month and forfeiture of two-thirds pay for one month. After 30 days or more, service members face dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and a one-year confinement.

Are you eligible for VA benefits with a general discharge?

Veterans who receive general discharges under honorable conditions are entitled to all VA benefits, with the exception of GI Bill education benefits.

Is an OTH considered dishonorable?

Veterans with Other Than Honorable discharges who are deemed “Dishonorable for VA Purposes” because of a regulatory bar may still qualify for health care for a service-connected condition or injury only. If the veteran is barred due to a statutory condition, this limited health care is not available.

How many days is considered AWOL?

When you are continuously absent without an approved leave for at least thirty (30) working days you shall be considered on absence without official leave (AWOL) and shall be separated from the service or dropped from the rolls without prior notice.

What is an OTH discharge?

An Other Than Honorable Discharge (OTH) falls into the category of an undesirable discharge. This sort of discharge is considered an administrative discharge initiated by your command. Often, an OTH is referred to as a ‘bad paper’, and this category of discharge has a lasting impact on a service member.

How does an OTH discharge affect you?

With an OTH discharge, you’re usually eligible for health care by the Veterans Administration (VA) for service-incurred or service-aggravated disabilities. If you received an OTH discharge, you cannot get education benefits under the G.I. Bill, nor can you receive a military pension or apply for a VA home loan.

How bad is an other than honorable discharge?

How Bad Is an OTH Discharge? An Other Than Honorable Discharge is referred to as ‘bad paper,’ and having the OTH discharge listed on your DD 214 has a lasting impression on the service member’s life. The OTH is not as bad as a punitive discharge, but service members note life-long challenges based on the distinction.

What are the consequences of an other than honorable discharge?

What is this? One significant consequence of an Other Than Honorable discharge is the loss of VA benefits. Also, you lose out on federal employment opportunities. If you were in-line for a bonus for enlistment, you will likely forfeit it altogether.

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