What gap should points be set at?

What gap should points be set at?

The Haynes manual recommends a point gap of . 016-. 020 inches for engines used in the P1800.

What happens if point gap is too big?

One of the key factors that makes a spark plug work well, or not, is the size of the gap between the electrodes. However, if the spark plug gap is too large, the spark is unlikely to consistently “jump” across the long distance between electrodes, thus leading to a rough-running engine or one that doesn’t run at all.

Should points be fully open at TDC?

Should points be open or closed at TDC? Theoretically, the points should be just in the process of going from closed to open at #1 TDC. if you watch the points while you rotate the distributor body, you will see that you can make the points open OR close just be rotating the housing.

How do you set points on a feeler gauge?

How to set distributor points with a feeler gauge

  1. Step 1 – Insert feeler gauge. Insert the feeler gauge between the two contact points.
  2. Step 2 – Set air gap.
  3. Step 3 – Set rubbing block.
  4. Step 4 – Use gauge to measure new gap.

How do you set a condenser point?

Part 1 of 1: Replacing a points & condenser

  1. Materials Needed.
  2. Step 1: Disconnect battery.
  3. Step 2: Locate and remove distributor cap.
  4. Step 3: Disconnect and remove the set of points.
  5. Step 4: Remove condenser.
  6. Step 5: Install new condenser.
  7. Step 6: Install new points set.
  8. Step 7: Grease distributor.

How to test an air cooled VW engine?

For air cooled Volkswagen engines a simple test light consisting of a 12 volt lamp and two leads with alligator clamps is not only sufficient but recommended. You can easily make one yourself or you can buy one at an auto parts store.

What should the point gap be on a P1800 engine?

Set the points too wide and the spark plugs don’t get enough juice — your engine whimpers. Set them too close and the engine works fine for a few miles. Then it stops because the points are so badly burned they can’t perform their function. The Haynes manual recommends a point gap of .016-.020 inches for engines used in the P1800.

What kind of spark plugs do VW engines use?

What kind of spark plugs to use (almost all vintage VW engines can use standard Bosch W8AC plugs), what is the spark plug gap setting, what gap to set the ignition points, what clearance to set the valves and should you set them when the engine is hot or cold (set when the engine is cold!).

How do you change ignition points on a VW?

You should also inspect the distributor cap and spark plug wires and replace them when necessary. The points are held in place with a small slotted screw and is attached to the condenser with a wire connector. Pull of the connector with your fingers or a needle nose pliers. Remove the screw and lift out the ignition points.

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