What did ancient Greece leave behind?

What did ancient Greece leave behind?

What was the legacy of ancient Greece? The ancient Greeks left a long standing mark on the modern world by developing new government systems called democracy, architecture, sports, art, theater, philosophy, science, mathematics, and by inventing new technologies.

What did the Minoans leave behind?

Scientists have discovered Minoan building material, pottery and food residue mixed with tiny fossilized sea shells which lived only in deep water deposited up to 7 meters above sea level. This could only have happened by a single devasting sweep of a tsunami. following a pattern similar to the Asian tsunami of 2004.

When did writing disappear in Greece?

The Linear B script was lost around c. 1100 BCE and with it, all knowledge of writing vanished from Greece until the time when the Greek alphabet was developed.

Which ancient empire left the greatest legacy and why?

The Ancient Greeks may have lived over 2000 years ago, but they left a lasting legacy that still affects Western culture and way of life. During the height of the Greek civilization, Greek culture spread throughout the Mediterranean.

What legacy did ancient Rome leave behind?

The legacy of Ancient Rome is still felt today in western culture in areas such as government, law, language, architecture, engineering, and religion. Many modern-day governments are modeled after the Roman Republic.

Did the Greeks come from the Minoans?

The Minoans were not Greeks nor do they appear to be closely related. What seems clear however is that they helped to shape the early Greek civilization, later immortalized by Homer and other Greek poets.

What are 2 theories As for why the Minoan civilization came to an end?

The reasons for the slow decline of the Minoan civilization, beginning around 1550 BC, are unclear; theories include Mycenaean invasions from mainland Greece and the major volcanic eruption of Santorini.

Did ancient Greece have a written language?

According to the ancient Greeks they adapted their alphabet from the Phoenicians. This was not the first time that Greek speaking peoples had used a written language. The Mycenaeans, who were the subjects of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, had developed a system of writing that today’s scholars call “Linear B”.

Was the Iliad written in Linear B?

The Mycenaean civilization flourished in Greece and the surrounding islands in the Aegean Sea around 1400 b.c., during the era Homer depicted in his epics the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Mycenaean language was written in a script known as Linear B.

What did the ancient Greeks do for a living?

The ancient Greeks are mostly known for having laid down the foundations of Western Civilization. Who were the ancient Greeks? The ancient Greeks were a people bound by a common language and culture. Ancient Greek was an Indo-European language and was, therefore, distantly related to Latin and English.

What was the first civilization in ancient Greece?

Even though the rise of ancient Greece came from the Cycladic and Minoan civilizations (2700 BC–1500 BC), there is evidence of burials in the Franchthi Cave in Argolid, Greece, dating back to around 7250 BC.

What was the center of Culture in ancient Greece?

Athens was the center of culture during the Classical Age. It was also the birthplace of democracy. The ancient Greeks were the first people in the world to create a viable democratic government. However, their democracy was quite different from the one we have today in the United States.

What did the Mycenaean Greeks have in common?

The Mycenaean Greeks had writing, too, although the surviving texts are inscriptions of very practical matters—e.g., records of how much property this or that king owned. So the Mycenaean Period had two things: writing and a principle of unity. The Archaic period follows the Greek Dark Ages.

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